Kilmer MS Newsletter - March 28, 2025

GovDelivery7 hours 51 minutes ago

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A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

We concluded the 3rd quarter today, and a reminder that Monday is a holiday, and Tuesday is a Teacher Workday. We’re excited to welcome students back on Wednesday as we kick off the 4th quarter. 

Save the Dates! There are a lot of dates listed below – everything from SOL dates, music department shows, our 8th grade promotion ceremonies, and more. Be sure to check out the dates and mark your calendars. 

Finally, don’t forget about the Addams Family musical this weekend put on by our very own Kilmer students. There’s a show tonight (Friday at 7 PM), and two shows on Saturday ( 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM). Hope to see you there!

Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Daniel G. - Daniel, you are such a pleasure to teach and a great collaborator with your peers! Keep it up, I am extremely proud of you!

Elise N. - Positive Attitude & Willing to step outside of comfort zone

Jonathan W. - I wanted to recognize you for the great work you are doing in Civics. You are doing well focusing on the computer and getting your work done. Keep up the good work!

Alex L. - Thanks for always helping around the classroom and demonstrating great leadership! Keep it up, I am proud!

Abdulla A. - Thank you for showing curiosity and interest in learning and improving yourself. It's a true joy to teach a student like you with a great mind.

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates

  • March 28-29 - Spring Musical Performances of The Addams Family
    • March 28th– 7:00 pm
    • March 29th – 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
  • April 10 - 8th graders travel to Marshall HS or Madison HS for Rising 9th Grade Activities Fair
  • SOL Testing Dates
Picture(s) of the Week

🎥✨ Sneak Peek! ✨🎥 Kilmer’s Positive Referrals are getting the spotlight in an upcoming segment on The Heart of It with Sean Martinelli! 🌟 The feature will air on WUSA9 in the coming weeks—stay tuned for the official air date. We can’t wait to share this special story with you! #KilmerPositivity #StayTuned

🌟 Kindness Rocks at Kilmer! 🌟 Students in Mrs. Goldsmith's Yoga class, known as the Yogi Rockers, started a special tradition—painting and sharing kindness rocks with staff to spread joy around our school. 💛 Each rock carries a message of positivity and is meant to be passed along to keep the kindness going! Who will be rocked next? 💕#KindnessRocks #PassItOn #KilmerCommunity

🎶☀️ Springtime Melodies! ☀️🎶 Mr. Sapp and his chorus students took their voices outside, filling the air with music! Nothing like a little sunshine and song to welcome the season. 🌸🎤 #KilmerChorus #SpringtimeSerenade #SingingInTheSun

☀️ Daily Recess Fun – A Bird’s-Eye View! ☀️ From up above, you can see Kilmer students spreading out and soaking up the sunshine during recess! 🌸 A little fresh air and movement make for the perfect break to recharge for the rest of the day. 💛 #RecessRefresh #SpringAtKilmer #AerialView

Important Information

3rd Quarter Grades

The 3rd quarter ends Friday, March 28. Gradebook and Report Card Modules in SIS ParentVUE and StudentVUE will be unavailable to Parents and Students from Friday, March 28 @ 4PM through Monday, April 7@ 6AM. On April 7, 3rd quarter report cards will be visible in SIS. A printed copy of 3rd quarter report cards will be sent home after spring break on Friday, April 25.

Learning Seminar Changes

At the start of each quarter, some students are reassigned to a new Learning Seminar class for various reasons, such as receiving additional support in math or English in preparation for the spring SOL tests. A significant number of students will have changes to their 8th period Learning Seminar class beginning in the 4th quarter.

Any student with a schedule change will remain with one of their current teachers. Students should report to their new Learning Seminar class on Friday, April 4.The schedule change will be visible in SIS StudentVUE next Wednesday.

8th Grade Promotion Ceremonies

Save the date for the 8th Grade Team Promotion Ceremony! More information will be coming soon. If you need to know which team your child is on, please refer to their class schedule in SIS or reach out to their counselor.

8th Grade End of Year Celebration at Dave & Busters

To celebrate the culmination of middle school, we invite all 8th grade students who are in good academic and disciplinary standing on a field trip to Dave & Buster’s in Fairfax, VA. Students will receive field trip forms when we return from Spring Break. More information to come.

Course Registration for 25-26

Course registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now closed. You can view your child’s selected courses in SIS ParentVUE under the Course Requests tab. Instructions for accessing course requests are available here: Online Course Requests in ParentVue. The list of course requests is not a final schedule, but a confirmation of courses entered into the student information system. 

7th Grade Students: To request a course change, please email a Kilmer counselor by Friday, May 2. Schedule changes cannot be accommodated at the start of the school year.

Please note: 

  • Elective choices may change due to space limitations and scheduling conflicts.
  • Music placements will be updated after spring auditions.
  • Special education and ESOL course placements may change based on their English language proficiency or IEP service hours.

8th Grade Students: Kilmer is no longer able to assist with changes to high school courses. If you have questions about 9th grade courses, please contact the Office of Student Services at your child's high school.

Principal Evaluation Staff Feedback Form

On Monday, March 24, parents and guardians of Kilmer Middle School will receive an email with a link to the FCPS Principal Evaluation Parent/Guardian Feedback Form. This questionnaire is part of the Performance Evaluation Program and provides an opportunity to share anonymous feedback about our school’s leadership and environment.

Topics covered in the survey include:

  • Instructional leadership
  • School climate
  • Management (human resources and organizational)
  • Communication and community relations
  • Culturally responsive and equitable leadership
  • Professionalism

The questionnaire will be open March 24 – April 4 and will be collected online. Keep an eye out for an email from [email protected] and take a few minutes to complete it.

Your input is valuable and helps shape the future of our school. Thank you for your time and feedback!

After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates

Each week Ms. Kardelis will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Kim Kardelis, After School Specialist, at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Student Pickup

A few reminders from Kilmer’s main office about procedures for picking up students early or checking them in late:

  • A driver’s license or similar photo ID is required to check out a student during the day. Only parents, legal guardians, and people on the student’s emergency contact list may check out a student. If someone else is picking up your student, please send an email from your email address we have on file, to  [email protected] that includes the full name of the person, the full name of your student, the reason for check-out, and the date of the early dismissal.
  • When you arrive at the school, please ring the front entrance doorbell and let the front office know that you are checking your student in for late arrival or picking your student up for early dismissal.  After entering the building, please sign your child out using the computer in the office.
  • Students are not to contact their parents via cell phone/text messaging during school hours. If they need to contact you during the school day, they can use the phone in the main office.

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - March 21, 2025

GovDelivery1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

Great news! (no pun intended) - FCPS featured a news story about the success of Kilmer’s Positive Referral Program this week. An FCPS Media Outreach Specialist stopped by Kilmer last Monday to learn more about our program. He talked with staff members, Kristen Mattix, Alexia Flynn, and Kristen Reigard, along with three students, Sai Gaddabathini, Mohammed Mansour, and Naomi Rosner. Naomi perfectly summed up the impact of positive referrals on our students:  “I feel like when you get a Positive Referral you realize, ‘Hey, I am really good the way I am,’ and you realize that you’re really smart and kind, and you can do lots of great things in this world.” Be sure to check the article out on the FCPS website: FCPS link, or the Kilmer website: Kilmer Middle School link

Also, thanks to Christine Sciabica for serving as an interim assistant principal for the past few months. I cannot thank her enough for bringing her knowledge and expertise to the Kilmer community. We wish her well as she heads back into retirement…for now 🙂. Ms. Sciabica’s departure means Emily Castro is coming back from maternity leave. We’re excited to welcome Ms. Castro back on Monday!

Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Elizabeth R. - Elizabeth welcomed a new student to Kilmer. She engaged him in conversation and made him part of our 3rd period HPE class. Well done, Elizabeth.  

Zi-Huan T. - Zi-Huan, Thank you for coming into class ready to learn. Thank you also for your wonderful sense of humor with your writing.  I enjoy reading your question of the day responses. 

Maddy N. - Being a risk taker by joining the competitive side of the gym during the basketball unit.

Josue M.S. - You did a great job handling a difficult situation and advocating for yourself in a responsible, respectful way. You are setting a great example for your classmates and you are making good choices for yourself, way to go!

Ciel L. - I can always count on Ciel for excellence in performance and conscientious hard work.

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates

  • April 10 - 8th graders travel to Marshall HS or Madison HS for Rising 9th Grade Activities Fair
  • Fine and Performing Arts Spring Dates:
    • Orchestra
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Orchestra Concert 6/2 7 pm @ Marshall HS
    • Band
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Band Concert 5/28 7 pm @ Marshall HS
    • Chorus
      • Honors Choir 4/24 and 4/25 @ Richmond
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Chorus Concert 5/29 @ Marshall HS
    • Theatre
      • Spring Musical Performance Addams Family
        • March 26th:  Addams Family Student Show – 2:30 pm
        • March 27th: Addams Family – 7:00 pm
        • March 28th: Addams Family – 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
      • May 30th: Broadway Desserts – 7:00 pm
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Picture(s) of the Week

🏀 Cross-Town Hoops is Heating Up! 🏀 Our teams are putting in the work as they gear up for the big showdown against Thoreau! Come out and support them on Thursday, April 3, from 6:00–9:00 PM at Marshall High School.

🕵️‍♂️ Detectives in Action! 🕵️‍♀️ Our 7th-grade English classes took over the library this week, putting their critical thinking skills to the test! 🔍 They analyzed informational texts for author's bias and credibility while solving a mystery crime case—navigating witness bias and determining credibility. They also became headline editors, crafting and evaluating news headlines with bias in mind.

⚽ After-School Soccer Fun! ⚽ Kilmer students hit the field for some friendly competition during the after-school program! Great energy, teamwork, and sportsmanship on display. Keep the games going! #KilmerAfterSchool

Important Information

Course Registration for 25-26

Course registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now closed. You can view your child’s selected courses in SIS ParentVUE under the Course Requests tab. Instructions for accessing course requests are available here: Online Course Requests in ParentVue. The list of course requests is not a final schedule, but a confirmation of courses entered into the student information system. 

7th Grade Students: To request a course change, please email a Kilmer counselor by Friday, May 2. Schedule changes cannot be accommodated at the start of the school year.

Please note: 

  • Elective choices may change due to space limitations and scheduling conflicts.
  • Music placements will be updated after spring auditions.
  • Special education and ESOL course placements may change based on their English language proficiency or IEP service hours.

8th Grade Students: Kilmer is no longer able to assist with changes to high school courses. If you have questions about 9th grade courses, please contact the Office of Student Services at your child's high school.

Kilmer and Marshall Winterguards Show

The Kilmer Winterguard will be performing with the Marshall Guard on Thursday, March 27th at the annual Friends and Family show! There will be an open rehearsal with the Marshall Guard from 6:00-7:00 pm and the show will start at 7:00 pm.

Spring Break STEM Camp – Hands-On Science & Engineering Activities! 

Looking for an exciting and educational way for your child to spend Spring Break? Students from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology are hosting a Spring Break STEM Camp for 4th-7th graders from April 14-18 in McLean, VA. Campers will explore engineering, coding, chemistry, physics, and biology through engaging, hands-on activities designed to make STEM fun and accessible. The camp runs from 9 AM - 3 PM, with optional extended care available.

  • Cost: $180 (FREE for students receiving free/reduced lunch)
  • Location: 6888 Elms St. Suite 2C, McLean, VA
  • Lunch: Students should bring their own
  • All proceeds benefit CAPA NoVA and TJHSST clubs

Sign up here: For more details or questions, please email [email protected]

Principal Evaluation Staff Feedback Form

On Monday, March 24, parents and guardians of Kilmer Middle School will receive an email with a link to the FCPS Principal Evaluation Parent/Guardian Feedback Form. This questionnaire is part of the Performance Evaluation Program and provides an opportunity to share anonymous feedback about our school’s leadership and environment.

Topics covered in the survey include:

  • Instructional leadership
  • School climate
  • Management (human resources and organizational)
  • Communication and community relations
  • Culturally responsive and equitable leadership
  • Professionalism

The questionnaire will be open March 24 – April 4 and will be collected online. Keep an eye out for an email from [email protected] and take a few minutes to complete it.

Your input is valuable and helps shape the future of our school. Thank you for your time and feedback!

High School Activities Fairs

On April 10, 8th graders will attend either Marshall High School or Madison High School’s Activities Fair for Rising 9th Graders. This is a chance for students to learn more about high school clubs, sports, and activities. Field trip forms are being distributed and collected through students’ science classes. Signed field trip forms are due March 25, 2025.

Meditation & Silent Reflection Space

FCPS has developed Regulation 1502 to ensure all students and staff have reasonable accommodation and access to meditation and silent reflection spaces within the school division. The regulation provides guidance for schools on how to manage requests for silent reflection during instructional and non-instructional time, and for students to leave school for religious activities. At Kilmer MIddle School, we offer the following accommodations:

  • Meditation and Silent Reflection Space – A designated space for students to engage in prayer, meditation, or silent reflection, inclusive of religious and non-religious beliefs. Parental permission is required, and students will receive a pass once approved. To request access, please contact your child’s school counselor.
  • Alternative Space during Lunch – Students who are fasting and prefer an alternative lunch space may go to the library. To participate, students must complete this form. Once submitted, they will receive a daily pass from Ms. Rosas Diego.

For more details, please View Regulation 1502 and visit the FCPS' Guidelines for Religious Activities webpage. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jessica Rosas Diego, Student Services Assistant  at [email protected] .

Tickets on Sale Now for The Addams Family: School Edition

Get ready for a night of laughter, music, and spooky fun as our students bring The Addams Family: School Edition to life on stage! This hilarious musical follows the delightfully creepy Addams family as they navigate an unexpected visit from a "normal" family, leading to plenty of chaos and surprises.


  • Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 PM
  • Friday, March 29 at 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM

Tickets: $10 per person

Students also have the opportunity to attend a special student matinee on Tuesday, March 26 at 2:30 PM. Those attending can take the late bus home after the show. Tickets for the student performance are just $5. Tickets are available for purchase at Don’t miss the chance to see this fantastic production!

After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates

Each week Ms. Kardelis will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Kim Kardelis, After School Specialist, at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Student Pickup

A few reminders from Kilmer’s main office about procedures for picking up students early or checking them in late:

  • A driver’s license or similar photo ID is required to check out a student during the day. Only parents, legal guardians, and people on the student’s emergency contact list may check out a student. If someone else is picking up your student, please send an email from your email address we have on file, to  [email protected] that includes the full name of the person, the full name of your student, the reason for check-out, and the date of the early dismissal.
  • When you arrive at the school, please ring the front entrance doorbell and let the front office know that you are checking your student in for late arrival or picking your student up for early dismissal.  After entering the building, please sign your child out using the computer in the office.
  • Students are not to contact their parents via cell phone/text messaging during school hours. If they need to contact you during the school day, they can use the phone in the main office.

Enabling Talking Points Notifications

Stay in the loop with your child's learning! Teachers and staff at Kilmer are using TalkingPoints to send class announcements and messages directly to you. You'll receive these via text message, or even better, through the TalkingPoints for Families app. We highly recommend downloading the app for a smoother experience and easier access to messages. Just search 'TalkingPoints for Families' in your app store. Don't forget to enable notifications so you never miss a beat!

Do you have the TalkingPoints app but feel like you are missing messages? Make sure you have enabled notifications on your device so that you are notified when a message from a teacher or staff member comes through. Directions for both iOS and Android can be found here.

Attendance Reminder

Please read the tips below to support regular school attendance and foster a positive attitude regarding school and education:

  • Scheduling: Schedule family vacations, trips, appointments, and other out-of-school activities during school holidays. See the FCPS calendar.
  • Engagement: Help your student stay engaged by asking  open ended questions about what is going on in school. Encourage those conversations, daily! 
  • Monitor Attendance: Monitor your student's attendance in ParentVue. By the end of the school year, if a student misses just two days each month, they may be considered chronically absent. 
  • Social-Emotional Health: If your student expresses anxiety about school, contact your student’s counselor.

Missing even a few days can negatively impact a child's academic achievement and we want to partner with you to work toward your child's success. If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school counselor, we would be happy to speak with you further about how we can support your child’s attendance for the rest of the school year.

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - March 14, 2025

GovDelivery2 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

Kilmer students have been busy this week! They are rehearsing for The Addams Family after school, preparing for Crosstown Hoops and getting reading for the band assessment at Madison High School this Friday. Meanwhile, 8th graders are reviewing for the upcoming Integrated Reading and Writing assessment in English classes, 7th grade students have been learning about meiosis and mitosis in Science and the Great Depression in US History. The list goes on and on…and Kilmer is certainly an exciting place to be as the end of 3rd quarter approaches.

On Monday, March 24, Kilmer Middle School parents/guardians will be contacted through email (keep an eye out for an email from [email protected]) with a link to the FCPS Principal Evaluation Parent/Guardian Feedback Form Online. This questionnaire is part of the Performance Evaluation Program and offers parents/guardians an opportunity to provide anonymous input about various topics related to our school. These topics include instructional leadership, school climate, management (human resources and organizational), communication and community relations, culturally responsive and equitable leadership, and professionalism. The questionnaire will be collected online between March 24 and April 4. When you receive an email from FCPS Surveys, please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire. Thank you in advance. 

Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Amelia K. - Amelia volunteered to help out with cleaning up the kiln room (disposing old clay projects) and worked on packing up the still life project.

Rayan I. - Thank you for kindly loaning your laptop charger to a peer when they didn't have one!

Bridgette J.C. - Bridgette is diligent and works with focus and accuracy. She follows classroom procedures and expectations and participates responsibly.

Eton C. - Mr. Greenfield and I were passing out books to students, and Eton, unprompted, asked if he could help pass out books to students. It was good to see Eton engaged and involved in class today and volunteering to be a helping hand! We appreciate it, Eton!

Jai S. - Bit by bit throughout the year you've applied yourself more to your studies in English. Keep up this great momentum!

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates

  • Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) and Diagnostic Writing Activity
    • March 19 - Student will have a flipped Bell Schedule and start the day in their 9th period class
      • 8th grade students participating in the SOL Reading test will complete an integrated reading and writing (IRW) component. The IRW component of the SOL Reading test has one non-fiction reading passage followed by 4-6 of multiple-choice/technology-enhanced items and an “invitation to write” based on the passage. 
      • 7th grade students will participate in a Diagnostic Writing Activity to prepare for next year’s IRW assessment.
  • April 10 - 8th graders travel to Marshall HS or Madison HS for Rising 9th Grade Activities Fair
  • Fine and Performing Arts Spring Dates:
    • Orchestra
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Orchestra Concert 6/2 7 pm @ Marshall HS
    • Band
      • Assessment Concert 3/14 and 3/15 @ Madison HS
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Band Concert 5/28 7 pm @ Marshall HS
    • Chorus
      • Assessment Concert 3/20 @Kenmore MS 
      • Honors Choir 4/24 and 4/25 @ Richmond
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Chorus Concert 5/29 @ Marshall HS
    • Theatre
      • Spring Musical Performance Addams Family
        • March 26th:  Addams Family Student Show – 2:30 pm
        • March 27th: Addams Family – 7:00 pm
        • March 28th: Addams Family – 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
      • May 30th: Broadway Desserts – 7:00 pm
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Picture(s) of the Week

🧵✨ Check out the amazing sewing projects from Ms. Arteaga’s Family & Consumer Science class! Students had the opportunity to choose their project—creating hand-sewn monkeys, emoji pillows, or embroidery designs. 🧸😃 #SewMuchFun

Our Algebra Honors students are having a blast with Exponent Scavenger Hunts and "Math" Libs! These fun activities are helping them master exponents while adding a little excitement to their math skills. Keep up the great work, Cougars!

Happy Pi Day! 🥧 Our Math Department celebrated in style with delicious pies in Math Hall and staff sporting their best Pi-themed attire. A fun and tasty way to honor this iconic mathematical constant! 

Cousin Itt is ready to take the stage—and wants YOU to be there! 🎭 Don’t miss The Addams Family at Kilmer. Join us for a spooktacular show! 🖤🤍 Tickets are available for purchase at

Important Information

Principal Evaluation Staff Feedback Form

On Monday, March 24, parents and guardians of Kilmer Middle School will receive an email with a link to the FCPS Principal Evaluation Parent/Guardian Feedback Form. This questionnaire is part of the Performance Evaluation Program and provides an opportunity to share anonymous feedback about our school’s leadership and environment.

Topics covered in the survey include:

  • Instructional leadership
  • School climate
  • Management (human resources and organizational)
  • Communication and community relations
  • Culturally responsive and equitable leadership
  • Professionalism

The questionnaire will be open March 24 – April 4 and will be collected online. Keep an eye out for an email from [email protected] and take a few minutes to complete it.

Your input is valuable and helps shape the future of our school. Thank you for your time and feedback!

High School Activities Fairs

On April 10, 8th graders will attend either Marshall High School or Madison High School’s Activities Fair for Rising 9th Graders. This is a chance for students to learn more about high school clubs, sports, and activities. Field trip forms are being distributed and collected through students’ science classes. Signed field trip forms are due March 25, 2025.

Meditation & Silent Reflection Space

FCPS has developed Regulation 1502 to ensure all students and staff have reasonable accommodation and access to meditation and silent reflection spaces within the school division. The regulation provides guidance for schools on how to manage requests for silent reflection during instructional and non-instructional time, and for students to leave school for religious activities. At Kilmer MIddle School, we offer the following accommodations:

  • Meditation and Silent Reflection Space – A designated space for students to engage in prayer, meditation, or silent reflection, inclusive of religious and non-religious beliefs. Parental permission is required, and students will receive a pass once approved. To request access, please contact your child’s school counselor.
  • Alternative Space during Lunch – Students who are fasting and prefer an alternative lunch space may go to the library. To participate, students must complete this form. Once submitted, they will receive a daily pass from Ms. Rosas Diego.

For more details, please View Regulation 1502 and visit the FCPS' Guidelines for Religious Activities webpage. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jessica Rosas Diego, Student Services Assistant  at [email protected] .

Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28, 2025

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has issued a new, first-time waiver allowing students fasting during the school day from February 28 to March 28, 2025, to request take-home breakfast and lunch meal kits. The Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) will provide meal kits reflecting the school menu. Meals will be kept cold and must be heated at home. Students may claim one breakfast and one lunch kit per day. If a student purchases breakfast or lunch at school, they cannot pick up a kit that day. Meal kits must be picked up by students at the end of the school day—adults cannot collect them.Parents or guardians must submit a weekly request form via the FCPS FNS website by the deadlines:

  • March 10, 2025, for the week of March 17, 2025
  • March 17, 2025, for the week of March 24, 2025

Tickets on Sale Now for The Addams Family: School Edition

Get ready for a night of laughter, music, and spooky fun as our students bring The Addams Family: School Edition to life on stage! This hilarious musical follows the delightfully creepy Addams family as they navigate an unexpected visit from a "normal" family, leading to plenty of chaos and surprises.


  • Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 PM
  • Friday, March 29 at 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM

Tickets: $10 per person

Students also have the opportunity to attend a special student matinee on Tuesday, March 26 at 2:30 PM. Those attending can take the late bus home after the show. Tickets for the student performance are just $5. Tickets are available for purchase at Don’t miss the chance to see this fantastic production!

After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates

Each week Ms. Kardelis will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Kim Kardelis, After School Specialist, at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Student Pickup

A few reminders from Kilmer’s main office about procedures for picking up students early or checking them in late:

  • A driver’s license or similar photo ID is required to check out a student during the day. Only parents, legal guardians, and people on the student’s emergency contact list may check out a student. If someone else is picking up your student, please send an email from your email address we have on file, to  [email protected] that includes the full name of the person, the full name of your student, the reason for check-out, and the date of the early dismissal.
  • When you arrive at the school, please ring the front entrance doorbell and let the front office know that you are checking your student in for late arrival or picking your student up for early dismissal.  After entering the building, please sign your child out using the computer in the office.
  • Students are not to contact their parents via cell phone/text messaging during school hours. If they need to contact you during the school day, they can use the phone in the main office.

Enabling Talking Points Notifications

Stay in the loop with your child's learning! Teachers and staff at Kilmer are using TalkingPoints to send class announcements and messages directly to you. You'll receive these via text message, or even better, through the TalkingPoints for Families app. We highly recommend downloading the app for a smoother experience and easier access to messages. Just search 'TalkingPoints for Families' in your app store. Don't forget to enable notifications so you never miss a beat!

Do you have the TalkingPoints app but feel like you are missing messages? Make sure you have enabled notifications on your device so that you are notified when a message from a teacher or staff member comes through. Directions for both iOS and Android can be found here.

Attendance Reminder

Please read the tips below to support regular school attendance and foster a positive attitude regarding school and education:

  • Scheduling: Schedule family vacations, trips, appointments, and other out-of-school activities during school holidays. See the FCPS calendar.
  • Engagement: Help your student stay engaged by asking  open ended questions about what is going on in school. Encourage those conversations, daily! 
  • Monitor Attendance: Monitor your student's attendance in ParentVue. By the end of the school year, if a student misses just two days each month, they may be considered chronically absent. 
  • Social-Emotional Health: If your student expresses anxiety about school, contact your student’s counselor.

Missing even a few days can negatively impact a child's academic achievement and we want to partner with you to work toward your child's success. If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school counselor, we would be happy to speak with you further about how we can support your child’s attendance for the rest of the school year.

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - March 7, 2025

GovDelivery3 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

Last Friday we concluded our Interdisciplinary Team Food Drive competition, and in total our community collected over 1,100 food items. Wow! I announced on Monday morning that the interdisciplinary team that brought in the most items was…(drumroll please)....Team Sirius! Congratulations to Team Sirius, but more importantly, I am so proud of all our students for putting time, effort, and money towards supporting our very own Kilmer Food Pantry. 

On Saturday, March 1, the Kilmer Science Olympiad teams competed at the Mary Washington National-Ready Regional Tournament. Forty KMS students competed in 23 events in topics ranging from biology to physics. Kilmer students took home 17 medals, including 4 first-place finishes. Overall, Kilmer earned 2nd place in the regional competition and was invited to compete in the State Tournament for Virginia at University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA on March 29th. Congratulations to our Science Olympiad teams!

Finally, some local community members have expressed concerns about drivers blocking access to their driveways on Harithy Drive during Kilmer arrival and dismissal times. Please be mindful of our neighbors and refrain from blocking driveways.

Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane

Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Nevaya H. - I am so proud of your growth in science! You have been staying positive and respectful every class and I appreciate how hard you work. Keep it up!

Janie P. - I was so impressed with Janie yesterday! She stayed after school and really buckled down, making fantastic progress on her work. It's wonderful to see her advocate for herself and take initiative. Keep up the amazing effort!

Brandon M.B. - Thank you Brandon for showing a positive attitude in class.  I wanted to let you know that I noticed how you are trying to stay focused more and to do more work.  Thank you!

Yana L. - I am so proud of Yana for stepping up and taking the initiative to help clean our classroom! Her kindness and sense of responsibility truly make a difference. It’s wonderful to see you care about keeping our learning space clean and welcoming for everyone. Keep up the great work!

Ahmed I. - Ahmed has been working very hard to stay on top of his assignments in English, and we really appreciated when he was helping his classmates find their assignments online on Monday. We love to see his effort!

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates:

  • March 10 - Students will take the spring SEL Screener during Advisory
  • Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) and Diagnostic Writing Activity
    • March 19 - Student will have a flipped Bell Schedule and start the day in their 9th period class
      • 8th grade students participating in the SOL Reading test will complete an integrated reading and writing (IRW) component. The IRW component of the SOL Reading test has one non-fiction reading passage followed by 4-6 of multiple-choice/technology-enhanced items and an “invitation to write” based on the passage. 
      • 7th grade students will participate in a Diagnostic Writing Activity to prepare for next year’s IRW assessment.
  • Fine and Performing Arts Spring Dates:
    • Orchestra
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Orchestra Concert 6/2 7 pm @ Marshall HS
    • Band
      • Assessment Concert 3/14 and 3/15 @ Madison HS
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Band Concert 5/28 7 pm @ Marshall HS
    • Chorus
      • Assessment Concert 3/20 @Kenmore MS 
      • Honors Choir 4/24 and 4/25 @ Richmond
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Chorus Concert 5/29 @ Marshall HS
    • Theatre
      • Spring Musical Performance Addams Family
        • March 26th:  Addams Family Student Show – 2:30 pm
        • March 27th: Addams Family – 7:00 pm
        • March 28th: Addams Family – 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
      • May 30th: Broadway Desserts – 7:00 pm
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Picture(s) of the Week

On Saturday, March 1, the Kilmer Science Olympiad teams competed at the Mary Washington National-Ready Regional Tournament. Forty KMS students competed in 23 events in topics ranging from biology to physics. Kilmer students took home 17 medals, including 4 first-place finishes. Overall, Kilmer earned 2nd place in the regional and was invited to compete in the State Tournament for Virginia at University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA on March 29th.

Thank you to the PTA for sponsoring the Staff Luncheon from Anita’s on Thursday! 

Our 7th grade science students are busy preparing for March Mammal Madness, an annual tournament hosted by scientists at Arizona State University in which 65 different animals compete in simulated combat competitions to be the ultimate champion. May the best mammal win! Happy bracketing! 🦁🐻🐘

The countdown begins—just 20 days until showtime! 🎭 Our amazing costume crew is hard at work, showcasing the striking black-and-white outfits that bring The Addams Family to life. We can’t wait to see them on stage! 🖤🤍 Tickets are available for purchase at

This past Tuesday students participated in a bus evacuation drill to practice safe emergency procedures. These drills help ensure everyone knows how to stay safe in case of an emergency. 🚍🦺 #SafetyFirst

A huge thank you to everyone who donated to our Food Drive Competition! Your generosity helps support the Kilmer Food Pantry, which provides food and supplies to Kilmer families. Congratulations to Team Sirius for winning the competition! 🎉 🥫

Students were engaged in modeling the process of mitosis, bringing cell division to life through hands-on activities. Using materials like pipe cleaners, beads, and yarn. They illustrated each stage: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis-deepening their understanding of how cells replicate. Through collaborative discussions and creative representation, they gained insight into the importance of mitosis in growth, repair, and development. Their work showcases not only scientific knowledge, but also critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Congratulations to our February Student of the Month award recipients given out for being “Goal Directed and Resilient”! Students enjoyed snacks, games, and a movie to celebrate their achievement during their Learning Seminar period.

Students pictured: Megan Dean, Nicolas Gamboa, Ella Jiang, Mia Guatemala-Hernandez, Rishan Desai, Brithany Tapia Bravo, Alan Geckle, Samantha Singmaster, Juwon Kim, Declan Ryan, Malah Khadka, Athena Saltzburg, Esa Chatriwala, Reese Staadeker, Angelina Song-Ye, Fernando Flores Ramos, and Erin Martonik

Important Information

Reminder - Track & Field Sign Ups

Attention Families Interested in Track & Field! In the next few days, there are two opportunities to learn about Track and get help with registration:

  • Sat, March 8:  9:00 AM - 12 PM - Form and Registration Check, Kilmer Library
  • Tues, March 11: 4:45 - 5:15 PM, Kilmer Library - Parent Info session #1, or 5:30 - 6:00 PM Parent Info session #2

These are optional sessions where coaches will be available to answer questions, help with forms, and check registration status. Please join us at one to ensure your runners are properly registered so they may attend our first practice on Wednesday, April 2nd!

Kilmer Track & Field Registration is open with a deadline of March 14th.  Please see the Kilmer Athletics webpage for registration requirements!

Student Pickup

A few reminders from Kilmer’s main office about procedures for picking up students early or checking them in late:

  • A driver’s license or similar photo ID is required to check out a student during the day. Only parents, legal guardians, and people on the student’s emergency contact list may check out a student. If someone else is picking up your student, please send an email from your email address we have on file, to  [email protected] that includes the full name of the person, the full name of your student, the reason for check-out, and the date of the early dismissal.
  • When you arrive at the school, please ring the front entrance doorbell and let the front office know that you are checking your student in for late arrival or picking your student up for early dismissal.  After entering the building, please sign your child out using the computer in the office.
  • Students are not to contact their parents via cell phone/text messaging during school hours. If they need to contact you during the school day, they can use the phone in the main office.

Enabling Talking Points Notifications

Stay in the loop with your child's learning! Teachers and staff at Kilmer are using TalkingPoints to send class announcements and messages directly to you. You'll receive these via text message, or even better, through the TalkingPoints for Families app. We highly recommend downloading the app for a smoother experience and easier access to messages. Just search 'TalkingPoints for Families' in your app store. Don't forget to enable notifications so you never miss a beat!

Do you have the TalkingPoints app but feel like you are missing messages? Make sure you have enabled notifications on your device so that you are notified when a message from a teacher or staff member comes through. Directions for both iOS and Android can be found here.

SEL Screener Participation Social and Emotional Learning Screening

Students in grades 3-12 use the SEL Screener twice a year to share their perspectives on how well their school and community help them develop skills they need to succeed. These skills include achieving goals, understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining relationships with adults and peers, and making responsible decisions. Students also share how successful their school and community are at making them feel valued, included, and supported.

Students will participate in the Spring SEL screener during Advisory on Monday, March 10. You can opt-out your child from participating in the SEL Screener. The opt-out applies to the current school year and must be completed annually. For more information about the SEL Screener, access to its content, and the opt-out form, please click on the following link:  Social Emotional Learning Screener (SEL).

Meditation & Silent Reflection Space

FCPS has developed Regulation 1502 to ensure all students and staff have reasonable accommodation and access to meditation and silent reflection spaces within the school division. The regulation provides guidance for schools on how to manage requests for silent reflection during instructional and non-instructional time, and for students to leave school for religious activities. At Kilmer MIddle School, we offer the following accommodations:

  • Meditation and Silent Reflection Space – A designated space for students to engage in prayer, meditation, or silent reflection, inclusive of religious and non-religious beliefs. Parental permission is required, and students will receive a pass once approved. To request access, please contact your child’s school counselor.
  • Alternative Space during Lunch – Students who are fasting and prefer an alternative lunch space may go to the library. To participate, students must complete this form. Once submitted, they will receive a daily pass from Ms. Rosas Diego.

For more details, please View Regulation 1502 and visit the FCPS' Guidelines for Religious Activities webpage. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jessica Rosas Diego, Student Services Assistant  at [email protected] .

Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28, 2025

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has issued a new, first-time waiver allowing students fasting during the school day from February 28 to March 28, 2025, to request take-home breakfast and lunch meal kits. The Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) will provide meal kits reflecting the school menu. Meals will be kept cold and must be heated at home. Students may claim one breakfast and one lunch kit per day. If a student purchases breakfast or lunch at school, they cannot pick up a kit that day. Meal kits must be picked up by students at the end of the school day—adults cannot collect them.Parents or guardians must submit a weekly request form via the FCPS FNS website by the deadlines:

  • March 10, 2025, for the week of March 17, 2025
  • March 17, 2025, for the week of March 24, 2025

Tickets on Sale Now for The Addams Family: School Edition

Get ready for a night of laughter, music, and spooky fun as our students bring The Addams Family: School Edition to life on stage! This hilarious musical follows the delightfully creepy Addams family as they navigate an unexpected visit from a "normal" family, leading to plenty of chaos and surprises.


  • Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 PM
  • Friday, March 29 at 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM

Tickets: $10 per person

Students also have the opportunity to attend a special student matinee on Tuesday, March 26 at 2:30 PM. Those attending can take the late bus home after the show. Tickets for the student performance are just $5. Tickets are available for purchase at Don’t miss the chance to see this fantastic production!

After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates

Each week Ms. Kardelis will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Kim Kardelis, After School Specialist, at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Attendance Reminder

Please read the tips below to support regular school attendance and foster a positive attitude regarding school and education:

  • Scheduling: Schedule family vacations, trips, appointments, and other out-of-school activities during school holidays. See the FCPS calendar.
  • Engagement: Help your student stay engaged by asking  open ended questions about what is going on in school. Encourage those conversations, daily! 
  • Monitor Attendance: Monitor your student's attendance in ParentVue. By the end of the school year, if a student misses just two days each month, they may be considered chronically absent. 
  • Social-Emotional Health: If your student expresses anxiety about school, contact your student’s counselor.

Missing even a few days can negatively impact a child's academic achievement and we want to partner with you to work toward your child's success. If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school counselor, we would be happy to speak with you further about how we can support your child’s attendance for the rest of the school year.

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - February 28, 2025

GovDelivery1 month ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

There was a lot of good news at Kilmer this week. We began the week on Monday with PTA’s “Stocking the Fridge.” The staff enjoyed the treats and it’s a reminder of the strong partnership we have with our families. Thank you Kilmer PTA! Also, we were able to celebrate Ms. Paige Knisley, math teacher, on her well deserved selection as the Marshall Pyramid’s Most Outstanding New Secondary Teacher. Way to go Ms. Knisley! We’re all pulling for you in the next round. Finally, on Thursday evening our very own Dan Nguyen, special education history teacher, was interviewed on ABC 7. Dan is the varsity head wrestling coach at Marshall High School and ABC 7 aired a feature on girls wrestling in FCPS. Check out the article/clip HERE. We also enjoyed seeing many former Kilmer Cougars in the segment 🙂.

When the weather warms up, it’s time to start thinking about the fun activities scheduled for the Spring. At Kilmer, we work hard to walk a line between focusing on the here and now, while also previewing (and getting kids excited about) next year. An example of this is our current focus on motivating students to finish the last half of the 3rd quarter strong, while also preparing for Kilmer’s Spring Musical (The Addams Family School Edition), Cross Town Hoops, and our upcoming music department performances. Additionally, Kilmer Track & Field Registration is now open with a deadline of March 14th.  Please see the Kilmer Athletics webpage for registration requirements. Each week I’ll highlight various programs, events, and information in this newsletter to ensure all the information is in one place.

Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Nathan M. - Nathan consistently looks for ways to challenge his learning and makes insightful connections to class lessons.

Edik A.P. - Edik has shown a positive attitude and tremendous effort in English class.

Eliza D. - Eliza helped a student who was absent understand how to write an introductory paragraph for a history essay assignment.  Eliza regularly helps other students in class who are struggling to understand lessons or concepts. Her positivity helps create a positive classroom environment.

Evaleia T. - Evaleia was willing to go up to a new student who was sitting by themselves at lunch and asked her if she wanted to sit with her at her table. What a kind act, you are so considerate and thanks so much for helping this student feel welcome at Kilmer!

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates:

  • March 10 - Students will take the spring SEL Screener during Advisory
  • Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) and Diagnostic Writing Activity
    • March 19 - Student will have a flipped Bell Schedule and start the day in their 9th period class
      • 8th grade students participating in the SOL Reading test will complete an integrated reading and writing (IRW) component. The IRW component of the SOL Reading test has one non-fiction reading passage followed by 4-6 of multiple-choice/technology-enhanced items and an “invitation to write” based on the passage. 
      • 7th grade students will participate in a Diagnostic Writing Activity to prepare for next year’s IRW assessment.
  • Fine and Performing Arts Spring Dates:
    • Orchestra
      • Assessment Concert 3/7 and 3/8 @ Herndon MS
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Orchestra Concert 6/2 7 pm @ Marshall HS
    • Band
      • Pre-Assessment Concert 3/4 7 pm @ Marshall HS
      • Assessment Concert 3/14 and 3/15 @ Madison HS
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Band Concert 5/28 7 pm @ Marshall HS
    • Chorus
      • Assessment Concert 3/21 @Kenmore MS 
      • Honors Choir 4/24 and 4/25 @ Richmond
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Chorus Concert 5/29 @ Marshall HS
    • Theatre
      • Spring Musical Performance Addams Family
        • March 26th:  Addams Family Student Show – 2:30 pm
        • March 27th: Addams Family – 7:00 pm
        • March 28th: Addams Family – 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
      • May 30th: Broadway Desserts – 7:00 pm
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Picture(s) of the Week

Thanks to the PTA for “Stocking the Fridge” for Kilmer staff this past Monday! As always, it’s a nice pick-me-up to start off the week.

The sun is shining, and temperatures are rising—outdoor lunch on the Kilmer patio is back!

Our Cross-Town Hoops teams are hard at work preparing for the big game against Thoreau! Join us on Thursday, April 3, from 6:00–9:00 PM at Marshall High School to cheer them on.

Our spring musical production, The Addams Family School Edition, is just one month away! Kilmer students have been dedicated to their after-school rehearsals, and their hard work is paying off. Mark your calendars for Friday, March 28, and Saturday, March 29—Tickets are already on sale!  They can be bought at this website:

Important Information

Track & Field Sign Ups

Kilmer Track & Field Registration is now open with a deadline of March 14th.  Please see the Kilmer Athletics webpage for registration requirements!

Important Note from the PTA about Crosstown Hoops Tickets

This year's Crosstown Hoops Game between Kilmer and Thoreau will take place at Marshall High School on Thursday, April 3rd at 6PM. Doors will open at 5:30. Both Kilmer and Thoreau have a set amount of tickets to sell and Kilmer's tickets will go on sale THIS SUNDAY at 7PM. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Kilmer tickets can be purchased from the Kilmer PTA website starting at 7PM on Sunday, 3/2. These tickets are only for Kilmer families and any non-Kilmer tickets will be voided. Any Kilmer staff wishing to attend should contact Ms. Lena Zein ([email protected]).
  2. Each ticket purchaser may purchase up to 3 tickets for Kilmer students and/or Kilmer families. As this event is primarily for students and sells out every year, we strongly recommend just purchasing tickets for students unless your child is playing in the game. Drop-off is highly encouraged.
  3. If you are unable to purchase tickets online for any reason, please email [email protected] before ticket sales open this Sunday night.
  4. Tickets are $5 each. When purchasing tickets, please be prepared to list the first name and last name of each person you are buying tickets for. We will use these names to check in individuals the day of the game -- no physical ticket will be issued. You may only purchase tickets for specific individuals.

Thank you for your cooperation!  Go Cougars!

Conversation Topic for Home

If you’re looking for a topic to discuss with your middle schooler, ask them about their response to this week’s Advisory lesson. On Monday, students took part in a follow-up lesson on Student Rights & Responsibilities (SR&R) for the second semester. They reviewed school expectations, with a focus on cell phone use and appropriate behavior in hallways, restrooms, and the cafeteria. To conclude the lesson, students reflected on how these expectations support a positive learning environment.

SEL Screener Participation Social and Emotional Learning Screening

Students in grades 3-12 use the SEL Screener twice a year to share their perspectives on how well their school and community help them develop skills they need to succeed. These skills include achieving goals, understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining relationships with adults and peers, and making responsible decisions. Students also share how successful their school and community are at making them feel valued, included, and supported.

Students will participate in the Spring SEL screener during Advisory on Monday, March10. You can opt-out child from participating in the SEL Screener. The opt-out applies to the current school year and must be completed annually. For more information about the SEL Screener, access to its content, and the opt-out form, please click on the following link:  Social Emotional Learning Screener (SEL).

Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28, 2025

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has issued a new, first-time waiver allowing students fasting during the school day from February 28 to March 28, 2025, to request take-home breakfast and lunch meal kits. The Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) will provide meal kits reflecting the school menu. Meals will be kept cold and must be heated at home.Students may claim one breakfast and one lunch kit per day. If a student purchases breakfast or lunch at school, they cannot pick up a kit that day. Meal kits must be picked up by students at the end of the school day—adults cannot collect them.Parents or guardians must submit a weekly request form via the FCPS FNS website by the deadlines:

  • February 24, 2025, for February 28 and the week of March 3, 2025
  • March 3, 2025, for the week of March 10, 2025
  • March 10, 2025, for the week of March 17, 2025
  • March 17, 2025, for the week of March 24, 2025

Attendance Reminder

Please read the tips below to support regular school attendance and foster a positive attitude regarding school and education:

  • Scheduling: Schedule family vacations, trips, appointments, and other out-of-school activities during school holidays. See the FCPS calendar.
  • Engagement: Help your student stay engaged by asking  open ended questions about what is going on in school. Encourage those conversations, daily! 
  • Monitor Attendance: Monitor your student's attendance in ParentVue. By the end of the school year, if a student misses just two days each month, they may be considered chronically absent. 
  • Social-Emotional Health: If your student expresses anxiety about school, contact your student’s counselor.

Missing even a few days can negatively impact a child's academic achievement and we want to partner with you to work toward your child's success. If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school counselor, we would be happy to speak with you further about how we can support your child’s attendance for the rest of the school year.

TJHSST BioCode 2025

Are you interested in biology or computer science? Do you enjoy competing and working with other students? TJHSST Bioinformatics Society is hosting its annual BioCode competition, with $100s in prizes, and workshops from college professors! To learn more and register, check out: Reach out to [email protected] with any questions, and we hope to see you there!"

Eating Disorder Parent Information

The Code of Virginia, 22.1-273.2 requires schools provide, on an annual basis, parents/guardians educational information regarding eating disorders for students in grades five through twelve.

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA 2023), Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of all genders, ages, races, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, body shapes, and weights. In the United States, 28.8 million Americans will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lives. There is no single cause of an eating disorder. Rather, it is a complex combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors that converge and set off an individual’s predisposed genetic vulnerability.

In collaboration with the Fairfax County Health Department, FCPS has developed a web page with detailed information and resources to be provided to parents and guardians of Fairfax County Public Schools. This information may be found at Eating Disorders.

After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates

Each week Ms. Kardelis will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Kim Kardelis, After School Specialist, at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Course Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year

Course registration for the 2025-2026 school year will continue over the next two months. 

  • February - March: One-on-One Academic Advising
    • To guide students in selecting courses, teachers will provide feedback, and each student will meet with their school counselor to finalize course selections in SIS StudentVUE. During these academic advising sessions, students will reflect on their choices and consider enrolling in honors courses that match their strengths and interests while balancing their workload and extracurricular activities. After meeting with their counselor, students and parents can view course selections in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE.

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - February 21, 2025

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

It was another busy (and cold) week at Kilmer. We’re a little over three weeks into the third quarter, which makes this the perfect time to sit down with your child to check SIS. Consider using this as an opportunity to talk with them about how they are doing academically, their goals, and how they might improve by the quarter’s end. This academic quarter is only eight weeks long and passes by very quickly. As a reminder, teachers stay after school one day a week and students may also visit teachers during Learning Seminar for extra help.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars. Orchestra, Band, Chorus, and Theatre have upcoming performances and shows throughout February and March. See below under “Kilmer at a Glance” for specific events, dates, and locations. 

Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Raya B. - Raya volunteered to represent our class in a competition.

Keshav P. - I really appreciated how you helped enforce the rules of the cafeteria within your friend group. It is important to hold everyone accountable and we really appreciate when students help out!

Mohammad M. - Saw that someone had spilled juice on the floor and left it there so he asked for a towel to clean it up himself. And for always just being awesome :)

Nora A. - For showing compassion to a peer who was having a bad day.

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates:

  • Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) and Diagnostic Writing Activity
    • March 19 - Student will have a flipped Bell Schedule and start the day in their 9th period class
      • 8th grade students participating in the SOL Reading test will complete an integrated reading and writing (IRW) component. The IRW component of the SOL Reading test has one non-fiction reading passage followed by 4-6 of multiple-choice/technology-enhanced items and an “invitation to write” based on the passage. 
      • 7th grade students will participate in a Diagnostic Writing Activity to prepare for next year’s IRW assessment.
  • Fine and Performing Arts Spring Dates:
    • Orchestra
      • Pre Assessment Concert 2/20 6:30 pm @ Marshall HS
      • Assessment Concert 3/7 and 3/8 @ Herndon MS
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Orchestra Concert 6/2 7 pm @ Marshall HS
    • Band
      • Pre-Assessment Concert 3/4 7 pm @ Marshall HS
      • Assessment Concert 3/14 and 3/15 @ Madison HS
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Band Concert 5/28 7 pm @ Marshall HS
    • Chorus
      • Pre-Assessment Concert 2/27 @ Marshall HS
      • Assessment Concert 3/21 @Kenmore MS 
      • Honors Choir 4/24 and 4/25 @ Richmond
      • Spring Music Department Trip 5/2 @ Hershey Park
      • Spring Chorus Concert 5/29 @ Marshall HS
    • Theatre
      • Spring Musical Performance Addams Family
        • March 26th:  Addams Family Student Show – 2:30 pm
        • March 27th: Addams Family – 7:00 pm
        • March 28th: Addams Family – 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
      • May 30th: Broadway Desserts – 7:00 pm
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Picture(s) of the Week

Today we celebrated School Bus Driver Appreciation Day with some sweet treats! Our drivers’ dedication to keeping students safe, even through challenging weather and busy schedules, doesn't go unnoticed.

Important Information

TJHSST BioCode 2025

Are you interested in biology or computer science? Do you enjoy competing and working with other students? TJHSST Bioinformatics Society is hosting its annual BioCode competition, with $100s in prizes, and workshops from college professors! To learn more and register, check out: Reach out to [email protected] with any questions, and we hope to see you there!"

Food Drive - Interdisciplinary Teams

Next week is our last week for the Food Drive Team Competition. As of today, only ten items separate first place from fourth place. It is still anyone’s game! Consider going to the grocery store this weekend with your child to pick out food to support Kilmer’s Food Pantry.

Attendance Reminder

Please read the tips below to support regular school attendance and foster a positive attitude regarding school and education:

  • Scheduling: Schedule family vacations, trips, appointments, and other out-of-school activities during school holidays. See the FCPS calendar.
  • Engagement: Help your student stay engaged by asking  open ended questions about what is going on in school. Encourage those conversations, daily! 
  • Monitor Attendance: Monitor your student's attendance in ParentVue. By the end of the school year, if a student misses just two days each month, they may be considered chronically absent. 
  • Social-Emotional Health: If your student expresses anxiety about school, contact your student’s counselor.

Missing even a few days can negatively impact a child's academic achievement and we want to partner with you to work toward your child's success. If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school counselor, we would be happy to speak with you further about how we can support your child’s attendance for the rest of the school year.

Attention 8th Grade Students: College Partnership Program

The College Partnership Program Application is officially open! CPP is designed to support students interested in exploring, applying to, and enrolling college. CPP was created to systematically mitigate the impact of barriers to access and opportunity, and support students who are from populations that are historically underrepresented on college campuses. Visit the FCPS College Partnership Program website to learn more.

The application is due Friday February 28th. To apply, complete this application.

Kilmer staff will be supporting students to complete their applications afterschool Wednesday, February 26th (both blocks) in the Library. Late bus transportation is available at 4:45PM. We will work together to complete 2 short essay questions. Students will also need to answer questions about their family. Please have the following information ready to complete the application:

  • Parent/Guardian Occupation/Job
  • Parent/Guardian Educational Background
  • Parent/Guardian College Attended (if applicable)
  • Parent/Guardian Degree Earned
  • Has anyone in your immediate family (siblings or parent/guardian) graduated from a 4-year college in the US?

Questions? Reach out to Jessica Rosas-Diego, family liaison [email protected]

Marshall HS STEM Night

STEM Night at Marshall will take place February 28th in Marshall's cafeteria from 6-8pm and is run by the club STEM Stars. There will be a few activities which are suited for both elementary schoolers and middle schoolers. Kilmer students will most likely find the greatest value in science fair presentations from some of the students who had interesting and successful projects in both physics and biology, and the IB information table where current Marshall students can share their favorite parts about the IB science/math programs. This night is designed to give an inside look into High School sciences for students that are passionate about STEM, or nervous about going into High School. 

You can either contact me (Maggie Wise- [email protected] and [email protected]), or another one of the students running this event which I will list below. We hope to see Kilmer students there as the club is run by Kilmer alumni!

Maggie Wise- [email protected] and [email protected]

Nola Gramatikov- [email protected] 

Penelope O'Hearn- [email protected]

Club Sponsor, Mr. Alan Altschuler- [email protected]

After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates

Each week Ms. Kardelis will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Kim Kardelis, After School Specialist, at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Course Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year

Course registration for the 2025-2026 school year will continue over the next two months. 

  • February - March: One-on-One Academic Advising
    • To guide students in selecting courses, teachers will provide feedback, and each student will meet with their school counselor to finalize course selections in SIS StudentVUE. During these academic advising sessions, students will reflect on their choices and consider enrolling in honors courses that match their strengths and interests while balancing their workload and extracurricular activities. After meeting with their counselor, students and parents can view course selections in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE.

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - February 14, 2025

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

We’ve had a great week at Kilmer, celebrating Valentine’s Day with several spirit days sponsored by our Student Council Association. Students have also been purchasing (A LOT) of candy grams as part of SCA’s fundraising efforts. These sweet treats were delivered Friday afternoon.

Speaking of Friday afternoon deliveries, be on the lookout for 2nd Quarter report cards and honor roll certificates which were handed out to students today during 9th period. Grades can also be accessed in SIS ParentVue and SIS StudentVue.

Finally, I want to thank Office Jason, Kilmer’s School Resource Office. Tomorrow is SRO Appreciation Day and we are so grateful for all of the work Officer Jason does to build a sense of community at Kilmer and to keep us safe. 

Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Ethan H. - Ethan, you did such a great job in the WWI Discussion in US History! I thought your comments were very insightful and you were a great participant! You are a leader in our class, thank you for all of your hard work!

Malah K. - Malah did a great job defending her view in our recent class discussion in History. It was clear she was well prepared and understood the details and nuances of the document set. She also clearly, calmly, and eloquently explained her point of view. Thank you for volunteering to speak and keeping the conversation going!

Ethan F. - Ethan, you did such a great job in the WWI Discussion in US History! I thought your comments were very insightful and you were a great participant! Thank you for all of your hard work!

Vova S. - Thank you Vova for helping the new student get to other classes. It is much appreciated and very kind.

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates:

  • February 14 - A printed version of 2nd quarter report cards will be sent home on Friday, February 14. Students who earned all A's or all A's and B's in the second quarter will receive an Honor Roll certificate along with their report card.
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Picture(s) of the Week

Thank you to our amazing custodians, who were hard at work on Wednesday clearing our sidewalks!

Thank you to Officer Jason Edminster for all he does to support the Kilmer community. Happy SRO Appreciation Day!

Important Information

Marshall HS STEM Night

STEM Night at Marshall will take place February 28th in Marshall's cafeteria from 6-8pm and is run by the club STEM Stars. There will be a few activities which are suited for both elementary schoolers and middle schoolers. Kilmer students will most likely find the greatest value in science fair presentations from some of the students who had interesting and successful projects in both physics and biology, and the IB information table where current Marshall students can share their favorite parts about the IB science/math programs. This night is designed to give an inside look into High School sciences for students that are passionate about STEM, or nervous about going into High School. 

You can either contact me (Maggie Wise- [email protected] and [email protected]), or another one of the students running this event which I will list below. We hope to see Kilmer students there as the club is run by Kilmer alumni!

Maggie Wise- [email protected] and [email protected]

Nola Gramatikov- [email protected] 

Penelope O'Hearn- [email protected]

Club Sponsor, Mr. Alan Altschuler- [email protected]

Course Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year

Course registration for the 2025-2026 school year will continue over the next two months. 

  • February - March: One-on-One Academic Advising
    • To guide students in selecting courses, teachers will provide feedback, and each student will meet with their school counselor to finalize course selections in SIS StudentVUE. During these academic advising sessions, students will reflect on their choices and consider enrolling in honors courses that match their strengths and interests while balancing their workload and extracurricular activities. After meeting with their counselor, students and parents can view course selections in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE.

Food Drive - Interdisciplinary Teams

After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates

Each week Ms. Kardelis will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Kim Kardelis, After School Specialist, at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - February 7, 2025

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

This week was National School Counseling Week and we’re grateful for our school counselors and the countless ways that they support our Kilmer students, families, and staff. A special thank you to Monica Schmitt, Brian Sirdofsky, Kara Prokopius, Cara Engel, and Kristen Reighard!

On Thursday, we welcomed back Erin Kestler, assistant principal! Thank you to Scott Poole, retired principal, for filling in the last month to support Kilmer while Ms. Kestler was on maternity leave. As a reminder, Ms. Kestler is the administrator for the Starbursts (7th grade) and Voyagers (8th grade) teams.  Should you need to reach out, she can be reached at [email protected].

Finally, this week we started collecting food for Kilmer’s Food Pantry. It was exciting to see students beginning to bring in items. As a reminder, the items assigned to Interdisciplinary Teams can be found below. The Interdisciplinary Team that brings in the most food for the month wins a celebration during Learning Seminar. Teaser…it’s close after one week, but Pegasus is in the lead. 

  • 7th Grade Team
    • Starbursts - Pasta
    • Sirius - Mac & Cheese
    • Supernovas - Canned Tuna/Chicken
    • Comets - Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, or Canned Tomatoes
  • 8th Grade Teams
    • Pegasus - Canned Tuna/Chicken
    • Constellations - Dried Rice
    • Guardians - Dried Beans
    • Voyagers - Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, or Canned Tomatoes

Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Daniel C. - During lunch I was sweeping around the cafeteria when Daniel approached me and said, "I've finished my lunch. If you'd like, I can help sweep." This is a great example of a student thinking about others and how their actions can support the greater Kilmer community. Keep it up!

Sai G. - Sai supports his classmates and his classroom in English class every day. He is trustworthy when working with his classmates. He takes ownership of his mistakes and strives to improve. He has a positive attitude when trying something challenging. He is responsible and respectful of the classroom. Recently when we had two muddy recess sessions, Sai went to another teacher's classroom to grab a broom, and then he swept the whole room with great care. His Starburst teachers are very proud of him!

Xuni Z. - Xuanni was very diligent about improving on her writing in creative writing.

Juliet L. - Thanks for noticing that someone accidentally knocked my school papers down, and coming over to help me pick them all up!

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates:

  • February 14 - A printed version of 2nd quarter report cards will be sent home on Friday, February 14. Students who earned all A's or all A's and B's in the second quarter will receive an Honor Roll certificate along with their report card.
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Picture(s) of the Week

Congratulations to our December and January Student of the month award recipients! Students enjoyed snacks, games, and a movie to celebrate their achievement during their Learning Seminar period. 

December - Creative and Critical Thinker

Amith Chanda, Aarav Dadbhawala, Jasper Diffell, Maeve Dockery, Ramana Duvuru, Ferda Erden, Lucas Hager, Ethan Harney, Naveli Jain, Ciel Lee, Daniel Mohd Ruslan, Jonathan Ochoa, Yuto Roskamp, Tabby Shimooka, Soraya Tajdar, and Claire Wang!

January - Ethical and Global Citizen

Harper Andrews, Kingsley Chow, Anderson Feinberg, David Carrington Freeman, Braylen Gabriel, Lucas Gebhart, Aarya Gupta, Yusuf Hassan, Ana Hernandez-Sortore, Liel Ju, Christina Lee, Erin Martonik, Nathaniel Oelrich, Wilson Reyes Posadas, Sofia Anis Samsul Kahar, and Eden Smith.

Congratulations to Kilmer’s MATHCOUNTS team who competed on Saturday February 1st in the regional competition. The Kilmer Team (Aadith, Bryan, Angelina S, Chloe H) placed 4th and individual members Kaushika, Rohan, Ramana, Arjav, Shlok, Catherine, Audrey, Syona, and Skylon did a great job representing Kilmer. We appreciate them and their Coach, Ms. Bradford for all their work this year!

Important Information

Food Drive - Interdisciplinary Teams

For the month of February, we’ve partnered with the PTA to hold a food drive for Kilmer’s Food Pantry. The Kilmer’s Food Pantry has supported our very own Kilmer families for years. Each month the Food Pantry invites families in to get food bags, clothing, supplies, etc. and we need our larger communities' help. From February 1-28 we’ll be hosting a friendly competition through our Interdisciplinary Teams. The Interdisciplinary Team that donates the most food will win a celebration sponsored by the PTA during Learning Seminar. Stay tuned for more information, but as a preview, please see which items Teams have been assigned.

  • 7th Grade Teams
    • Starbursts - Pasta
    • Sirius - Mac & Cheese
    • Supernovas - Canned Tuna/Chicken
    • Comets - Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, or Canned Tomatoes
  • 8th Grade Teams
    • Pegasus - Canned Tuna/Chicken
    • Constellations - Dried Rice
    • Guardians - Dried Beans
    • Voyagers - Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, or Canned Tomatoes

Course Registration for the 2025-2026 school year

Course registration for the 2025-2026 school year will continue over the next two months. 

  • February - March: One-on-One Academic Advising
    • To guide students in selecting courses, teachers will provide feedback, and each student will meet with their school counselor to finalize course selections in SIS StudentVUE. During these academic advising sessions, students will reflect on their choices and consider enrolling in honors courses that match their strengths and interests while balancing their workload and extracurricular activities. After meeting with their counselor, students and parents can view course selections in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE.

2nd Quarter Grades & Honor Roll Certificates

2nd quarter report cards are now visible in SIS. A printed version of 2nd quarter report cards will be sent home on Friday, February 14. Students who earned all A's or all A's and B's in the second quarter will receive an Honor Roll certificate along with their report card.

After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates

Each week Ms. Kardelis will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Kim Kardelis, After School Specialist, at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - January 31, 2025

GovDelivery1 month 4 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

It is with a heavy heart that I reach out today. I could not let the weekend pass without acknowledging the unspeakable tragedy that occurred this week. Many in our community are grieving, as the families we lost were deeply connected—not just to us, but to the broader community and even the national figure skating community.

As we all process this heartbreaking loss, I hope you take care of yourselves and each other. Our thoughts and prayers are with the immediate families and with our entire community. There are no words to fully capture this loss, which only underscores how deeply interconnected we all are.

Please know that from the moment we learned of this tragedy, we put support systems in place for our students and staff. Our staff has been, and will continue to, keep a close eye on your children to watch for signs of unusual stress or difficult emotions, so they can refer these students to a member of our crisis support team.  

If you feel that your child would benefit from talking with one of our support staff, please call us at 703-846-8806. For after-hours support, please contact the 988 Lifeline by calling or texting 988. You might also find this resource helpful when talking to your child.

As always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane


Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates:

  • February 5 - Marshall High School counselors will meet with 8th grade students planning to attend Marshall for 9th grade during Learning Seminar to discuss course options for the 2025-2026 school year. 
  • February 6 - Marshall High School’s Rising 9th Grade Orientation, 5:30-8:00 pm (Snow Date: February 11)
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Important Information

2nd Quarter Grades

Gradebook and Report Card Modules in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE will be unavailable from Tuesday, January 28th @ 4PM through Tuesday, February 4th @ 6AM. On February 4, 2nd quarter report cards will be visible in SIS. A printed version of 2nd quarter report cards will be sent home on Friday, February 14.

Course Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year

Course registration for the 2025-2026 school year will take place over the next two months. To guide students in selecting courses, teachers will provide feedback, and students will have several opportunities to explore their options. 

Upcoming 7th Grade Activities:

  • Monday, February 2 and Thursday, February 3 - Course Kick-off for the 2025-2026 School Year
    • 7th grade teachers will introduce students to 8th grade course content and options, covering: Differences between general education and honors courses, Course expectations, Content-specific details and elective options. 
    • Students are encouraged to ask questions and seek feedback from their teachers to help them select courses that align with their academic strengths and interests.
  • Wednesday, February 5 and Monday, February 10 - Learning Seminar and Advisory Course Registration Lesson
    • Students will use SIS StudentVUE to select their initial courses following the course kick-off.
  • February - March: One-on-One Academic Advising 
    • Each student will meet with their school counselor to finalize course selections in SIS StudentVUE. During these sessions, students will reflect on their choices and consider enrolling in honors courses that match their strengths and interests while balancing their workload and extracurricular activities. After meeting with their counselor, students and parents can view course selections in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE.

Upcoming 8th Grade Activities:

  • Wednesday, February 5 - Marshall High School counselors will meet with 8th grade students and Learning Seminar Course Registration Lesson
    • Students will be assigned to a Learning Seminar teacher based on their designated Marshall counselor. Those not attending Marshall will also be assigned to a classroom. Student location assignments will be emailed to students and posted next week.
    • Marshall counselors will present during the first or second block of Learning Seminar. When high school counselors are not presenting, students will receive guided instructions from their teacher on how to enter course selections into SIS StudentVUE.
  • February - March: One-on-One Academic Advising 
    • Each student will meet with their school counselor to finalize course selections in SIS StudentVUE. During these sessions, students will reflect on their choices and consider enrolling in honors courses that match their strengths and interests while balancing their workload and extracurricular activities. After meeting with their counselor, students and parents can view course selections in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE.

Food Drive - Interdisciplinary Teams

For the month of February, we’ve partnered with the PTA to conduct a food drive for Kilmer’s Food Pantry. The Kilmer’s Food Pantry has supported our very own Kilmer families for years. Each month the Food Pantry invites families in to get food bags, clothing, supplies, etc. and we need our larger communities' help. From February 1-28 we’ll be hosting a friendly competition through our Interdisciplinary Teams. The Interdisciplinary Team that donates the most food will win a celebration sponsored by the PTA during Learning Seminar. 

Beginning this Monday, February 3, tables/wagons will be set out in the mail hall with Interdisciplinary Team signs designating where students can drop off their canned goods. We’ll have the tables out every morning for the month of February. 

  • 7th Grade Teams
    • Starbursts - Pasta
    • Sirius - Mac & Cheese
    • Supernovas - Canned Tuna/Chicken
    • Comets - Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, or Canned Tomatoes
  • 8th Grade Teams
    • Pegasus - Canned Tuna/Chicken
    • Constellations - Dried Rice
    • Guardians - Dried Beans
    • Voyagers - Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, or Canned Tomatoes

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey

All FCPS families and middle and high school students have received an invitation to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available through Monday, February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

After School Program

Welcome Back Ms. Kardelis!

Today we welcome back Kim Kardelis from maternity leave! A special thank you to Saundra Perry for filling in the past few months. We’re grateful for expertise and the way you just hit the ground running. Thank you for keeping our After School Program running strong!

After School Activities News/Updates:

Each week Ms. Kardelis will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Kim Kardelis, After School Specialist, at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - January 24, 2025

GovDelivery2 months ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

Yesterday, we hosted our Rising 7th Grade Curriculum Night. It is one of my favorite events of the year because the energy is palpable from our rising 7th graders and their families. Also, we had many current 7th and 8th graders working as part of our Student Ambassador program and it’s a testament to what middle schoolers can do when given the opportunity. The Student Ambassadors answered questions, talked with rising 7th graders, and helped to guide families around the building. I was stopped by countless parents who complimented our current Kilmer students and their work as Student Ambassadors. 

It’s hard to believe that in late January (and with half of the school year left) we’ve started planning for next year. Just as we hosted rising 7th graders this past week, Marshall counselors will be coming to Kilmer on Wednesday, February 5 to preview course options for our 8th graders going to high school (Madison counselors already came 🙂). Kilmer’s counselors work closely with Marshall (and Madison) counselors to ensure our 8th graders have all the information they need when selecting their courses for next year. Please reach out to our counselors if you have any questions.

Marshall IB Night at Kilmer is scheduled for Monday, January 27th from 5-6 PM. Consider stopping by to hear from Marshall staff about how you can help your student navigate the IB path as they transition to high school. 

Finally, the semester ends next Tuesday, 1/28, and there is no school for students on Wednesday, 1/29 for a teacher workday. Please remind your student to check SIS beginning at 4 PM on Wednesday to see their new schedule—this mainly applies to students who had semester electives during the first half of the year, as well as some Learning Seminar classes.

Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Anay B.  - Recently in class, Anay saw that I was trying to get multiple things done at once and volunteered to help me with some tasks. I appreciated how he stepped in, and also how he always has a positive attitude. Gracias Anay! 

Eden S. - I'm so glad you took a moment to tell me about your visit to Mount Vernon over Winter Break. I love when students make connections about history outside of class and teach me something I didn't know! Thank you also for helping me with small tasks around my classroom during Learning Seminar :) 

Brithany T. B. - Brithany is a good student.  She comes to class on time, works with her classmates, is never disruptive, and always puts 110% effort into her work.  Sometimes these great students get missed because they are quiet.  I don't want this rock star of a student missed. She deserves quite a bit of credit for her hard work and awesome attitude.

Katie C. R. - Katie has been doing a really great job in English, paying attention, turning in complete assignments on time, and having a positive attitude! I'm glad that you are a part of our class!

Amani Z. - Amani is a great example of what a star student looks like. She comes to class prepared, helps her peers when in need, and always has a positive attitude!

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates:

  • January 27 - ESOL WIDA Exam Information Meeting, 4:14-5:00, room F121
    • All parents/guardians of Multilingual Learners are cordially invited to attend our annual WIDA Exam Information Meeting. WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 is the assessment that is administered to all Multilingual  Learners (ELLs) during the month of February 2025. For more information please email our ESOL Department Chair Susanne Ehsani at [email protected].
  • Course Registration Events:
    • January 27 - Marshall High School IB Night, Monday, January 27 at 5:00 pm in the Kilmer Middle School Cafeteria.
      • The Marshall IB Coordinators and IB Student Executive Board will be presenting at Kilmer on Monday, January 27 at 5 p.m.  There will be an overview of the IB program, recommendations of courses Kilmer students should take in middle school, and most importantly, student voices about different aspects of IB courses at Marshall.
    • January 30 - Rising 8th Grade Math Night, Thursday, January 30 at 5:00 pm
      • During this information session, the Kilmer Math Department will discuss the mathematics pathways available next school year for current seventh-grade students. The event will include information about all 8th grade math classes, summer opportunities, and the opportunity to ask questions and speak directly with Kilmer’s math teachers.  All families are encouraged to attend.
    • February 5 - Marshall High School counselors will meet with 8th grade students planning to attend Marshall for 9th grade during Learning Seminar to discuss course options for the 2025-2026 school year. Seventh grade students will learn about course options for 8th grade during Learning Seminar. 
    • February 6 - Marshall High School’s Rising 9th Grade Orientation, 5:30-8:00 pm (Snow Date: February 11)
Picture(s) of the Week

Congratulations to District 12 All-District Band

Congratulations to the following band students who earned membership into the District 12 All-District Band, which will be held at Oakton High School on January 30-February 1.

  • Simon T. – flute
  • Elise C. – flute
  • Ilana N. – bassoon
  • Henry W. – clarinet
  • Daniel Y.  – clarinet
  • Alice V. – clarinet
  • Mariana D.C. – bass clarinet
  • Justin J. – trombone
  • Keshav P. – trombone
  • Elizabeth R. - euphonium
  • Kai H. – tuba
  • Ev F. – percussion

The following students are alternates and will be “called up” to play if needed:

  • Nolan J. – trumpet
  • Ryan S. – trombone
  • Lucas G. – euphonium
  • Eason C. - percussion
Important Information

2nd Semester Schedules

Students and parents can view second semester class schedules in SIS StudentVue and ParentVUE on Wednesday, January 29, at 4:00 PM. 

  • New Semester Electives
    • Students with new semester electives will begin these courses on Thursday, January 30. The new elective on your child’s schedule was chosen from the electives they selected last spring. At this point in the school year, we are unable to accommodate elective changes, as such requests would impact other classes.
  • Learning Seminar Class Changes
    • At the start of each quarter, some students may be assigned to a new Learning Seminar class for various reasons, such as receiving additional support in math or English. A significant number of students will have changes to their 8th and/or 9th period Learning Seminar classes starting in the 3rd quarter. Any student with a change to their Learning Seminar class will remain with one of their current teachers. Students should report to their new Learning Seminar class on Friday, January 31.
  • All students are encouraged to check their Class Schedules in SIS StudentVue prior to the first day of 3rd quarter on Thursday, January 30.

2nd Quarter Grades

The 2nd quarter ends on Tuesday, January 28. Gradebook and Report Card Modules in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE will be unavailable from Tuesday, January 28th @ 4PM through Tuesday, February 4th @ 6AM. On February 4, 2nd quarter report cards will be visible in SIS. A printed version of 2nd quarter report cards will be sent home on Friday, February 14.

Food Drive - Interdisciplinary Teams

For the month of February, we’ve partnered with the PTA to hold a food drive for Kilmer’s Food Pantry. The Kilmer’s Food Pantry has supported our very own Kilmer families for years. Each month the Food Pantry invites families in to get food bags, clothing, supplies, etc. and we need our larger communities' help. From February 1-28 we’ll be hosting a friendly competition through our Interdisciplinary Teams. The Interdisciplinary Team that donates the most food will win a celebration sponsored by the PTA during Learning Seminar. Stay tuned for more information, but as a preview, please see which items Teams have been assigned.

  • 7th Grade Teams
    • Starbursts - Pasta
    • Sirius - Mac & Cheese
    • Supernovas - Canned Tuna/Chicken
    • Comets - Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, or Canned Tomatoes
  • 8th Grade Teams
    • Pegasus - Canned Tuna/Chicken
    • Constellations - Dried Rice
    • Guardians - Dried Beans
    • Voyagers - Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, or Canned Tomatoes

Course Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year

At Kilmer Middle School, our goal is to provide a challenging academic program. We encourage students to select courses that reflect their abilities, strengths, and interests to create a balanced academic schedule. To help guide course selection decisions, teachers will provide feedback, and students will have multiple opportunities to explore course options. These opportunities include curriculum night events, content-specific presentations, and course videos showcasing next-grade-level options. All students will have one-on-one academic advising sessions with their school counselor throughout February and March to finalize their course selections for the 2025-2026 school year.

We will continue to share important event and activity dates related to course registration throughout January and February. Visit the Course Registration page on the Kilmer Website to learn more about the academic advising timeline.

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey

All FCPS families and middle and high school students have received an invitation to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available through Monday, February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates:

Each week Ms. Perry will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Saundra Perry (Acting After School Specialist) at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Health and Physical Education FLE Announcement - Date Change Due to Snow Days

Instruction of the Human Growth and Development unit (gender separate) will take place from January 30 through February 5th during HPE class.  Instruction of the Emotional and Social Health unit will take place during regular health class during the 3rd quarter.

If you choose to opt your student out of any or all of these lessons, please print and fill out the opt out form for your student’s grade level and have your student return the form to Ms. Wood in student services.  The opt out forms can be found at the following link:

To view the lessons in both FLE units please login to schoology and click on the All Parents/Guardians course.  On that page there is a folder called Parent Preview - FLE Instruction with the FLE lessons.

If you have any questions, please contact your student’s HPE teacher.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. We monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education. Visit Fairfax County’s website for Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips.

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - January 17, 2025

GovDelivery2 months 1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

January’s school schedule is always a bit choppy with holidays and with the end of the second quarter on Tuesday, January 28.  The Snow Days and two-hour late start last week complicated it even further although I’m sure most students weren’t complaining.🙂 A reminder that our Green/Blue schedule does not change when we have Snow Days. The Green or Blue day is skipped and we stick to our original Green/Blue schedule. Also, when we have a two-hour delay due to weather, our modified schedule is always available on the website. If you’re interested, our schedules can be found HERE.

There are several events coming up at Kilmer later this month, including the Marshall High School IB Night and our Rising 8th Grade Math Night. Be sure to check out the calendar below for more information.

Lastly, as long as I’ve worked in a middle school (and in three different states) many students show up in the winter months with either shorts or a t-shirt, and it’s common for those students to say, “I’m not cold, I’m actually hot.” 😀 While it’s normal for middle schoolers to not make the smartest choices in the world as their brains develop, next week’s forecast is different. Tuesday and Wednesday are currently forecasted to have single digit lows. Please ensure your student leaves the house with a winter coat and pants at the very minimum. 

Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Wilson M.  - Thank you for having a positive attitude today and working well with your partner. I saw you put in a lot of effort! Keep up the good work!  

Marwa G. - Thank you for being so helpful and welcoming to our new student! I appreciate all your help with language translation and math. 

Davis N. - Thank you for helping clean up the badminton nets without being asked. Much appreciated.

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates:

  • Course Registration Events: 
    • January 27 - Marshall High School IB Night, Monday, January 27 at 5:00 pm in the Kilmer Middle School Cafeteria.
      • The Marshall IB Coordinators and IB Student Executive Board will be presenting at Kilmer on Monday, January 27 at 5 p.m.  There will be an overview of the IB program, recommendations of courses Kilmer students should take in middle school, and most importantly, student voices about different aspects of IB courses at Marshall.
    • January 30 - Rising 8th Grade Math Night, Thursday, January 30 at 5:00 pm
      • During this information session, the Kilmer Math Department will discuss the mathematics pathways available next school year for current seventh-grade students. The event will include information about all 8th grade math classes, summer opportunities, and the opportunity to ask questions and speak directly with Kilmer’s math teachers.  All families are encouraged to attend.
    • February 5 - Marshall High School counselors will meet with 8th grade students planning to attend Marshall for 9th grade during Learning Seminar to discuss course options for the 2025-2026 school year. Seventh grade students will learn about course options for 8th grade during Learning Seminar. 
    • February 6 - Marshall High School’s Rising 9th Grade Orientation, 5:30-8:00 pm (Snow Date: February 11)
  • Winter Testing
    • iReady Testing January 15th during Learning Seminar Flipped Schedule (Snow Date: January 17th)
    • MAP Testing January 22nd during Learning Seminar Flipped Schedule (Snow Date: January 24th). Students who don’t finish during Learning Seminar 
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Picture(s) of the Week

Before winter break, 8th grade FACS students participated in a Cupcake Competition as their final project to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they gained throughout the unit! Kitchen groups collaborated with one another to choose a recipe that showcased their creativity and highlighted their leadership and decision-making skills. Staff within the building judged each group on the texture, flavor, decorations, and description of their cupcake. Congratulations to our winners!

3rd Period: What the Fudge?!  - Congratulations to Cami, Cece, and Maya! The judges loved your artwork and classy/clean decorations!

4th Period: Buddy the Elf’s Candy Spaghetti - Congratulations to Liam, Helana, Kyle, Deji, and Kynnedi! Judges stated that your design was “iconic” and loved the maple flavor in your cupcake!

6th Period: Santa’s Hot Cocoa Cakes - Congratulations to Leah, Kellen, Logan, Judy, and Ana! The judges said that your cupcake was adorable and really like the addition of the peppermint!

7th Period: Strawberry Cream Bliss - Congratulations to Leya, KK, Katie, Jeremy, and Saif! The judges thought your cupcakes were beautiful and the strawberry flavor was a hit!

Important Information

Food Drive - Interdisciplinary Teams

For the month of February, we’ve partnered with the PTA to do a food drive for Kilmer’s Food Pantry. The Kilmer’s Food Pantry has run for years supporting our very own Kilmer families. Each month the Food Pantry invites families in to get food bags, clothing, supplies, etc. and we need our larger communities' help. From February 1-28 we’ll be hosting a friendly competition through our Interdisciplinary Teams. The Interdisciplinary Team that donates the most food will win a celebration sponsored by the PTA during Learning Seminar. Stay tuned for more information, but as a preview, please see which items Teams have been assigned.

  • 7th Grade Teams
    • Starbursts - Pasta
    • Sirius - Mac & Cheese
    • Supernovas - Canned Tuna/Chicken
    • Comets - Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, or Canned Tomatoes
  • 8th Grade Teams
    • Pegasus - Canned Tuna/Chicken
    • Constellations - Dried Rice
    • Guardians - Dried Beans
    • Voyagers - Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, or Canned Tomatoes

Course Registration for the 2025-2026 school year

At Kilmer Middle School, our goal is to provide a challenging academic program. We encourage students to select courses that reflect their abilities, strengths, and interests to create a balanced academic schedule. To help guide course selection decisions, teachers will provide feedback, and students will have multiple opportunities to explore course options. These opportunities include curriculum night events, content-specific presentations, and course videos showcasing next-grade-level options. All students will have one-on-one academic advising sessions with their school counselor throughout February and March to finalize their course selections for the 2025-2026 school year.

We will continue to share important event and activity dates related to course registration throughout January and February. Visit the Course Registration page on the Kilmer Website to learn more about the academic advising timeline.

2nd Quarter Grades

The 2nd quarter ends on Tuesday, January 28. Gradebook and Report Card Modules in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE will be unavailable from Tuesday, January 28th @ 4PM through Tuesday, February 4th @ 6AM. On February 4, 2nd quarter report cards will be visible in SIS. A printed version of 2nd quarter report cards will be sent home on Friday, February 14.

2nd Semester Schedules

Students and parents can view second semester class schedules in SIS StudentVue and ParentVUE on Wednesday, January 29, at 4:00 PM. In addition to receiving new second semester electives, a significant number of students will also have changes to their 8th and/or 9th period Learning Seminar classes. Students will remain with one of their current teachers.

Crosstown Hoops and Tryouts - Updated Dates for Boys

Kilmer’s Annual Crosstown Hoops Basketball Game against Thoreau MS will be held on Thursday, April 3 at Marshall High School. All students are welcome to try out. We play the following games: 7th grade girls, 7th grade boys, 8th grade girls, 8th grade boys. 

All tryouts will be held during our After School Program:

  • 7th Grade Boys - Wed/Thurs, January 22nd & 23rd, 2nd block
    • *Boys must attend both dates for tryouts.
  • 8th Grade Boys - Wed/Thurs, January 22nd & 23rd, 1st block
    • *Boys must attend both dates for tryouts.

Health and Physical Education FLE Announcement - Date Change Due to Snow Days

Instruction of the Human Growth and Development unit (gender separate) will take place from January 30 through February 5th during HPE class.  Instruction of the Emotional and Social Health unit will take place during regular health class during the 3rd quarter.

A parent preview night will be held both in person and virtually on January 21, 2025 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. The in person option will be held in the Kilmer Library. The virtual option can be accessed at the link below:

If you choose to opt your student out of any or all of these lessons, please print and fill out the opt out form for your student’s grade level and have your student return the form to Ms. Wood in student services.  The opt out forms can be found at the following link:

To view the lessons in both FLE units please login to schoology and click on the All Parents/Guardians course.  On that page there is a folder called Parent Preview - FLE Instruction with the FLE lessons.

If you have any questions, please contact your student’s HPE teacher.

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey Coming Soon

All FCPS families and middle and high school students will be receiving an email invitation on Tuesday, January 21, to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available from January 21 to February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. We monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education. Visit Fairfax County’s website for Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips.

After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates:

Each week Ms. Perry will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Saundra Perry (Acting After School Specialist) at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Attendance Reminder

Getting your student into the habit of daily attendance helps reduce their stress and makes it easier to connect with friends and teachers. We understand each year may present extenuating circumstances that lead to missed days. However, we hope to increase timely communication regarding absences as they occur to prevent patterns that could impact your student’s well-being. 

Please read the tips below to support regular school attendance and foster a positive attitude regarding school and education:

  • Scheduling: Schedule family vacations, trips, appointments, and other out-of-school activities during school holidays. See the FCPS calendar.
  • Engagement: Help your student stay engaged by asking open-ended questions about what is going on in school. Encourage those conversations, daily! 
  • Monitor Attendance: Monitor your student's attendance in ParentVue. By the end of the school year, if a student misses just two days each month, they may be considered chronically absent. 
  • Social-Emotional Health: If your student expresses anxiety about school, contact your student’s counselor.

Missing even a few days can negatively impact a child's academic achievement and we want to partner with you to work toward your child's success. If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school counselor, we would be happy to speak with you further about how we can support your child’s attendance for the rest of the school year.

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - January 10, 2024

GovDelivery2 months 2 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

It’s been an interesting return from Winter Break, but nevertheless, today was energizing to get everyone back in the building. January is a busy month as we kick off academic advising. There are a lot of moving parts as we focus on the here and now, while also preparing students for next year. Please take the time to review the blurbs below. 

Lastly, as I mentioned before break, we’ll spend time the next few weeks reteaching and reemphasizing our school behavior expectations. We would appreciate your help in talking with your child about the importance of following rules and expectations at Kilmer. Through our collective efforts, we can ensure that Kilmer continues to be a fun and productive learning environment for our students and staff.

Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Kyle J.  - Thank you for being proactive and helping a new student locate the website and information necessary to complete the class assignment.  You're very kind, helpful, and most of all, thoughtful. 

Sanjana S. - Sanjana is dedicated to improving and learning. She is a role model for other students.

Viviana M.P. - Viviana, thank you for being a positive influence in our Health & PE class. You are helpful in our class and are a good role model for your peers. Keep up the good work.

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates:

Course Registration Events:

  • January 14 - Madison High School’s Rising 9th Curriculum Night, 6:00-8:00 pm
    • Presentation: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Auditorium)
    • Curriculum Fair/Electives Showcase: 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Town Hall, Small Gym)
  • January 27 - Marshall High School IB Night, Monday, January 27 at 5:00 pm in the Kilmer Middle School Cafeteria.
    • The Marshall IB Coordinators and IB Student Executive Board will be presenting at Kilmer on Monday, January 27 at 5 p.m.  There will be an overview of the IB program, recommendations of courses Kilmer students should take in middle school, and most importantly, student voices about different aspects of IB courses at Marshall.
  • January 30 - Rising 8th Grade Math Night, Thursday, January 30 at 5:00 pm
  • February 6 - Marshall High School’s Rising 9th Grade Orientation
  • Winter Testing
    • iReady Testing January 15th during Learning Seminar Flipped Schedule (Snow Date: January 17th)
    • MAP Testing January 22nd during Learning Seminar Flipped Schedule (Snow Date: January 24th). Students who don’t finish during Learning Seminar
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Picture(s) of the Week

A huge thank you to the custodial team! They’ve worked tirelessly the past few days and the sidewalks around our building look fantastic.

Important Information

Course Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year

At Kilmer Middle School, our goal is to provide a challenging academic program. We encourage students to select courses that reflect their abilities, strengths, and interests to create a balanced academic schedule. To help guide course selection decisions, teachers will provide feedback, and students will have multiple opportunities to explore course options. These opportunities include curriculum night events, content-specific presentations, and course videos showcasing next-grade-level options. All students will participate in one-on-one academic advising sessions with their school counselor to finalize their course selections for the 2025-2026 school year.

We will continue to share important event and activity dates related to course registration throughout January and February. Visit the Course Registration page on the Kilmer Website to learn more about the academic advising timeline.

Crosstown Hoops and Tryouts - Updated Dates for Boys

Kilmer’s Annual Crosstown Hoops Basketball Game against Thoreau MS will be held on Thursday, April 3 at Marshall High School. All students are welcome to try out. We play the following games: 7th grade girls, 7th grade boys, 8th grade girls, 8th grade boys. 

All tryouts will be held during our After School Program:

  • 7th Grade Boys - Wed/Thurs, January 22nd & 23rd, 2nd block
    • *Boys must attend both dates for tryouts.
  • 7th Grade Girls - Tuesday, January 14th, 1st block
  • 8th Grade Boys - Wed/Thurs, January 22nd & 23rd, 1st block
    • *Boys must attend both dates for tryouts.
  • 8th Grade Girls - Tuesday, January 14th, 2nd block

Health and Physical Education FLE Announcement

Instruction of the Human Growth and Development unit (gender separate) will take place from January 30 through February 5th during HPE class.  Instruction of the Emotional and Social Health unit will take place during regular health class during the 3rd quarter.

A parent preview night will be held both in person and virtually on January 6, 2025 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. The in person option will be held in the Kilmer Library. The virtual option can be accessed at the link below:

If you choose to opt your student out of any or all of these lessons, please print and fill out the opt out form for your student’s grade level and have your student return the form to Ms. Wood in student services.  The opt out forms can be found at the following link:

To view the lessons in both FLE units please login to schoology and click on the All Parents/Guardians course.  On that page there is a folder called Parent Preview - FLE Instruction with the FLE lessons.

If you have any questions, please contact your student’s HPE teacher.

After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates:

Each week Ms. Perry will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Saundra Perry (Acting After School Specialist) at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Attendance Reminder

Getting your student into the habit of daily attendance helps reduce their stress and makes it easier to connect with friends and teachers. We understand each year may present extenuating circumstances that lead to missed days. However, we hope to increase timely communication regarding absences as they occur to prevent patterns that could impact your student’s well-being. 

Please read the tips below to support regular school attendance and foster a positive attitude regarding school and education:

  • Scheduling: Schedule family vacations, trips, appointments, and other out-of-school activities during school holidays. See the FCPS calendar.
  • Engagement: Help your student stay engaged by asking open-ended questions about what is going on in school. Encourage those conversations, daily! 
  • Monitor Attendance: Monitor your student's attendance in ParentVue. By the end of the school year, if a student misses just two days each month, they may be considered chronically absent. 
  • Social-Emotional Health: If your student expresses anxiety about school, contact your student’s counselor.

Missing even a few days can negatively impact a child's academic achievement and we want to partner with you to work toward your child's success. If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school counselor, we would be happy to speak with you further about how we can support your child’s attendance for the rest of the school year.

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - December 20, 2024

GovDelivery3 months 1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

We began this week as a staff celebrating Kilmer’s Most Outstanding Employees. Congratulations to our winners: Kimberly Gilmore, Most Outstanding Professional Employee; Silvia Angelova, Most Outstanding Teacher; Paige Knisley, Most Outstanding New Teacher; and Toni Pierce, Most Outstanding Operational Employee. Our winners truly embody the characteristics of outstanding professionals. 

A reminder that the front office will be closed during Winter Break from December 23 - January 3. Students and staff will return on Monday, January 6, 2025.

Lastly, we’ve noticed an increase in misbehavior in the weeks leading up to Winter Break. As part of our return to school from Winter Break in January we will be reteaching and reemphasizing our school behavior expectations. We would appreciate your help in talking with your child about the importance of following rules and expectations at Kilmer. Through our collective efforts, we can ensure that Kilmer continues to be a fun and productive learning environment for our students and staff.

Wishing you and your families a wonderful holiday season.


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Sanjana S. - Sanjana is dedicated to improving and learning. She is a role model for other students.

Colton B. - Colton, I am impressed with your ability to focus on science and explore, in-depth, the content we're learning. Seeing you collaborate with your classmates to complete a lab to a high standard and really investigate what's going on behind the scenes so that you know the real science behind something is inspiring to me as your science teacher. Keep up the good work!

Rodeen N. - Thank you so much for being the new student ambassador for our new student today and being so responsible!  You helped our new student feel so welcome and you are such a great leader!  Thank you!

Oumaima M. - Always being so helpful, especially with stacking chairs at the end of the class.

Mason C. - Mason has worked really hard to improve his effort and his grade in English! You're a smart kid, and I'm glad you are putting in all the effort to succeed in class!

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates:

  • Course Registration Activities for the 2025-2026 school year begin in January! More information will be shared in the New Year! Visit the Course Registration page on the Kilmer Website to learn more about the academic advising timeline.
    • Madison Counselors meet with 8th grade students attending Madison HS for 9th grade Friday, January 10 during Learning Seminar
    • Madison High School’s Rising 9th Curriculum Night - Tuesday January 14, 6:30-8:00
    • Marshall High School IB Information Night at Kilmer - Monday, January 27 at 5:00 pm
    • Rising 8th Grade Algebra Night - Thursday, January 30 at 5:00 pm
    • Marshall Counselors meet with 8th grade students attending Marshall HS for 9th grade Wednesday, February 5 during Learning Seminar
    • Marshall High School’s Rising 9th Grade Orientation - Thursday, February 6
  • Winter Testing
    • iReady Testing January 15th during Learning Seminar Flipped Schedule (Snow Date: January 17th)
    • MAP Testing January 22nd during Learning Seminar Flipped Schedule (Snow Date: January 24th). Students who don’t finish during Learning Seminar will continue to test and may miss class—more details to follow after the break.
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Picture(s) of the Week

Last Friday, Dr. Mario Perez, an astrophysicist within the Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters presented to our students. Approximately 100 students had the opportunity to explore space through pictures and videos. Dr. Perez also fielded questions from students.

This week SGA sold hot chocolate during lunch. Needless to say, it was a big hit 🙂!

Last Friday, Kilmer and hosted the Ha Ha Holiday Show. The show consisted of 5 or 6 person teams from middle schools participating in improv skits/games. It was a great night and a lot of fun was had!

Congratulations to Kilmer’s Most Outstanding Employees: Kimberly Gilmore, Most Outstanding Professional Employee (top left); Silvia Angelova, Most Outstanding Teacher (top right); Paige Knisley, Most Outstanding New Teacher (bottom left); and Toni Pierce, Most Outstanding Operational Employee (bottom right).

Important Information

Office Closure

The front office will be closed during winter break from December 23 - January 3. Students and staff will return on Monday, January 6, 2025.

Be Among the First to Hear About School Delays/Closings

Watch this video to see how FCPS makes weather closing decisions

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible, including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated.

Be among the first to hear about weather delays and closings! Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE. Emails and text messages are sent to parents and caregivers based on the addresses and cell phone numbers entered on this platform. 

Crosstown Hoops and Tryouts

Kilmer’s Annual Crosstown Hoops Basketball Game against Thoreau MS will be held on Thursday, April 3 at Marshall High School. All students are welcome to try out. We play the following games: 7th grade girls, 7th grade boys, 8th grade girls, 8th grade boys. 

All tryouts will be held during our After School Program:

  • 7th Grade Boys - Wed/Thurs, January 15th & 16th, 2nd block
  • 7th Grade Girls - Tuesday, January 14th, 1st block
  • 8th Grade Boys - Wed/Thurs, January 15th & 16th, 1st block
  • 8th Grade Girls - Tuesday, January 14th, 2nd block

Health and Physical Education FLE Announcement

Instruction of the Human Growth and Development unit (gender separate) will take place from January 30 through February 5th during HPE class.  Instruction of the Emotional and Social Health unit will take place during regular health class during the 3rd quarter.

A parent preview night will be held both in person and virtually on January 6, 2025 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. The in person option will be held in the Kilmer Library. The virtual option can be accessed at the link below:

If you choose to opt your student out of any or all of these lessons, please print and fill out the opt out form for your student’s grade level and have your student return the form to Ms. Wood in student services.  The opt out forms can be found at the following link:

To view the lessons in both FLE units please login to schoology and click on the All Parents/Guardians course.  On that page there is a folder called Parent Preview - FLE Instruction with the FLE lessons.

If you have any questions, please contact your student’s HPE teacher.

Crisis Resources for Students

Students have been reminded on Schoology about what to do during winter break if they or someone they know is in crisis.

  • Get help from a parent/caregiver or trusted adult immediately. 
  • Do not message school staff or wait to tell someone at school.
  • Text or call 988. Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in crisis 24/7.
  • Call 911
After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates:

Each week Ms. Perry will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Saundra Perry (Acting After School Specialist) at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Welcome Mohammad Baashshiti!

Mohammad Bashshiti is Kilmer’s new Business & Information Technology Teacher. He grew up in the FCPS system, where he attended Fairhill ES, Luther Jackson MS, and Falls Church HS. He graduated from Virginia Tech in May 2012 with dual degrees in Accounting & Information Systems and Finance. He has over 11 years of progressive experience in the private sector as a licensed CPA. Outside of work, he enjoys playing basketball, reading, attending Wizards & Orioles games, and going to stand-up comedy shows.

Attendance Reminder

Getting your student into the habit of daily attendance helps reduce their stress and makes it easier to connect with friends and teachers. We understand each year may present extenuating circumstances that lead to missed days. However, we hope to increase timely communication regarding absences as they occur to prevent patterns that could impact your student’s well-being. 

Please read the tips below to support regular school attendance and foster a positive attitude regarding school and education:

  • Scheduling: Schedule family vacations, trips, appointments, and other out-of-school activities during school holidays. See the FCPS calendar.
  • Engagement: Help your student stay engaged by asking open-ended questions about what is going on in school. Encourage those conversations, daily! 
  • Monitor Attendance: Monitor your student's attendance in ParentVue. By the end of the school year, if a student misses just two days each month, they may be considered chronically absent. 
  • Social-Emotional Health: If your student expresses anxiety about school, contact your student’s counselor.

Missing even a few days can negatively impact a child's academic achievement and we want to partner with you to work toward your child's success. If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school counselor, we would be happy to speak with you further about how we can support your child’s attendance for the rest of the school year.

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook

Kilmer MS Newsletter - December 13, 2024

GovDelivery3 months 2 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A message from Principal Steven McFarlane

Kilmer Community,

A big shout out to our awesome Kilmer PTA for the fantastic Holiday Goodie Bags delivered on Thursday. Your kindness brought lots of smiles to our staff. Thank you for always stepping up and making our school experience top-notch. The PTA’s support means the world, and we're grateful for the positive impact you bring to our school community.

As always, this week's newsletter features photos showcasing happenings at Kilmer over the past week. Whether it's the high-energy performances at the band and orchestra concerts or the delivery of the Holiday Goodie Bags to Kilmer’s staff, these photos capture the heart of what makes our school such a special place.

Wishing you and your families a wonderful holiday season.


Steven McFarlane


Positive Referrals

Here are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!

Emma J. - I'm pleased to write this positive referral for Emma, who has consistently demonstrated exceptional academic performance and a strong work ethic. She participates actively in class, offers insightful contributions, and deeply understands the material. In addition to academic achievements, Emma displays outstanding character. She is respectful, responsible, and maintains a positive attitude, which has made her a role model for others. Keep up the great work! 

Tú eres una excelente estudiante. Yo estoy muy orgulloso de ti. ¡Sigue así!

Ben O. - Ben worked during 9th period to help a student in Algebra complete his study guide.  The student was glad to work with a peer rather than the teacher. Ben did a great job of explaining the content!

Mathew C. - Matthew worked above and beyond by completing his work at home and in school. He taught other students during 5th period the math concepts while working in a small group.

Kai S. - Thanks for getting water to water our class plants. But really, thanks for always being willing to help out and even volunteering to help out. Your positive attitude shows a lot about your strength as a leader in our community. 

Jasmine H. - Jasmine consistently demonstrates a dedication to learning math.  She is willing to take risks and is helpful to those around her. I am so proud of you!

Kilmer at a Glance

Upcoming Dates:

  • Course Registration Activities for the 2025-2026 school year begin in January! More information will be shared in the New Year! Visit the Course Registration page on the Kilmer Website to learn more about the academic advising timeline.
    • Madison Counselors meet with 8th grade students attending Madison HS for 9th grade Friday, January 10 during Learning Seminar
    • Madison High School’s Rising 9th Curriculum Night - Tuesday January 14, 6:30-8:00
    • Marshall High School IB Information Night at Kilmer - Monday, January 27 at 5:00 pm
    • Rising 8th Grade Algebra Night - Thursday, January 30 at 5:00 pm
    • Marshall Counselors meet with 8th grade students attending Marshall HS for 9th grade Wednesday, February 5 during Learning Seminar
    • Marshall High School’s Rising 9th Grade Orientation - Thursday, February 6
  • FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Picture(s) of the Week

Congratulations to our Music Department for their entertaining performances this week! The students did a fantastic job preparing and performing. 

Thank you to the PTA’s Hospitality Committee for organizing holiday gift bags for Kilmer’s staff. We were blown away by the generosity of Kilmer families! 

Important Information

Office Closure

The front office will be closed during winter break from December 23 - January 3. Students and staff will return on Monday, January 6, 2025.

Welcome Mohammad Baashshiti!

Mohammad Bashshiti is Kilmer’s new Business & Information Technology Teacher. He grew up in the FCPS system, where he attended Fairhill ES, Luther Jackson MS, and Falls Church HS. He graduated from Virginia Tech in May 2012 with dual degrees in Accounting & Information Systems and Finance. He has over 11 years of progressive experience in the private sector as a licensed CPA. Outside of work, he enjoys playing basketball, reading, attending Wizards & Orioles games, and going to stand-up comedy shows.

Spirit Week

Candy Cane Grams

Crosstown Hoops and Tryouts

Kilmer’s Annual Crosstown Hoops Basketball Game against Thoreau MS will be held on Thursday, April 3 at Marshall High School. All students are welcome to try out. We play the following games: 7th grade girls, 7th grade boys, 8th grade girls, 8th grade boys. 

All tryouts will be held during our After School Program:

  • 7th Grade Boys - Wed/Thurs, January 15th & 16th, 2nd block
  • 7th Grade Girls - Tuesday, January 14th, 1st block
  • 8th Grade Boys - Wed/Thurs, January 15th & 16th, 1st block
  • 8th Grade Girls - Tuesday, January 14th, 2nd block

Health and Physical Education FLE Announcement

Instruction of the Human Growth and Development unit (gender separate) will take place from January 30 through February 5th during HPE class.  Instruction of the Emotional and Social Health unit will take place during regular health class during the 3rd quarter.

A parent preview night will be held both in person and virtually on January 6, 2025 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. The in person option will be held in the Kilmer Library. The virtual option can be accessed at the link below:

If you choose to opt your student out of any or all of these lessons, please print and fill out the opt out form for your student’s grade level and have your student return the form to Ms. Wood in student services.  The opt out forms can be found at the following link:

To view the lessons in both FLE units please login to schoology and click on the All Parents/Guardians course.  On that page there is a folder called Parent Preview - FLE Instruction with the FLE lessons.

If you have any questions, please contact your student’s HPE teacher.

After School Program

After School Activities News/Updates:

Each week Ms. Perry will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Saundra Perry (Acting After School Specialist) at [email protected].

Kilmer PTA

Executive Board Contact Information

References & Reminders

Fall Student Testing Results - Available in SIS ParentVUE

Each fall, FCPS students take part in screening assessments for reading and mathematics to identify strengths and areas for support. Score reports for families are posted in ParentVUE in the “Documents” section, generally about one month after testing has been completed.

  • iReady reports in grades 1-8 are available in ParentVUE now. 
  • Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth reports for grades 6-12 will be available by Friday, December 13, following an extension to the fall testing window. 

Visit FCPS’ website for additional information about student tests at each grade level, including what each test is for and when each test takes place. Caregivers may follow up with their children’s teachers for more information about how they use test results to support student success.

Attendance Reminder

Getting your student into the habit of daily attendance helps reduce their stress and makes it easier to connect with friends and teachers. We understand each year may present extenuating circumstances that lead to missed days. However, we hope to increase timely communication regarding absences as they occur to prevent patterns that could impact your student’s well-being. 

Please read the tips below to support regular school attendance and foster a positive attitude regarding school and education:

  • Scheduling: Schedule family vacations, trips, appointments, and other out-of-school activities during school holidays. See the FCPS calendar.
  • Engagement: Help your student stay engaged by asking open-ended questions about what is going on in school. Encourage those conversations, daily! 
  • Monitor Attendance: Monitor your student's attendance in ParentVue. By the end of the school year, if a student misses just two days each month, they may be considered chronically absent. 
  • Social-Emotional Health: If your student expresses anxiety about school, contact your student’s counselor.

Missing even a few days can negatively impact a child's academic achievement and we want to partner with you to work toward your child's success. If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school counselor, we would be happy to speak with you further about how we can support your child’s attendance for the rest of the school year.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener Results

Students in grades 3-12 took the SEL Screener during the month of October, providing information on their SEL skills like achieving goals, understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining relationships, and making responsible decisions. The screener also asks students how well their school community makes them feel valued, included, and supported.

Individual student SEL Screener results are now available to families in the Documents section of SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent via postal mail.

For support in understanding your individual student’s results or for ideas on how to support them at home, please review the Family Guide or reach out to our school staff with any questions.

Lightspeed Parent Report

8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800

Attendance: 703-846-8888 | Web | Twitter | Facebook