Kilmer MS Newsletter - January 17, 2025
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A message from Principal Steven McFarlane
Kilmer Community,
January’s school schedule is always a bit choppy with holidays and with the end of the second quarter on Tuesday, January 28. The Snow Days and two-hour late start last week complicated it even further although I’m sure most students weren’t complaining.🙂 A reminder that our Green/Blue schedule does not change when we have Snow Days. The Green or Blue day is skipped and we stick to our original Green/Blue schedule. Also, when we have a two-hour delay due to weather, our modified schedule is always available on the website. If you’re interested, our schedules can be found HERE.
There are several events coming up at Kilmer later this month, including the Marshall High School IB Night and our Rising 8th Grade Math Night. Be sure to check out the calendar below for more information.
Lastly, as long as I’ve worked in a middle school (and in three different states) many students show up in the winter months with either shorts or a t-shirt, and it’s common for those students to say, “I’m not cold, I’m actually hot.” 😀 While it’s normal for middle schoolers to not make the smartest choices in the world as their brains develop, next week’s forecast is different. Tuesday and Wednesday are currently forecasted to have single digit lows. Please ensure your student leaves the house with a winter coat and pants at the very minimum.
Have a wonderful weekend and as always, reach out with any questions or concerns.
Steven McFarlane
Positive ReferralsHere are just a few of the Positive Referrals received by our Kilmer Cougars from staff members this week!
Wilson M. - Thank you for having a positive attitude today and working well with your partner. I saw you put in a lot of effort! Keep up the good work!
Marwa G. - Thank you for being so helpful and welcoming to our new student! I appreciate all your help with language translation and math.
Davis N. - Thank you for helping clean up the badminton nets without being asked. Much appreciated.
Kilmer at a GlanceUpcoming Dates:
- Course Registration Events:
- January 27 - Marshall High School IB Night, Monday, January 27 at 5:00 pm in the Kilmer Middle School Cafeteria.
- The Marshall IB Coordinators and IB Student Executive Board will be presenting at Kilmer on Monday, January 27 at 5 p.m. There will be an overview of the IB program, recommendations of courses Kilmer students should take in middle school, and most importantly, student voices about different aspects of IB courses at Marshall.
- January 30 - Rising 8th Grade Math Night, Thursday, January 30 at 5:00 pm
- During this information session, the Kilmer Math Department will discuss the mathematics pathways available next school year for current seventh-grade students. The event will include information about all 8th grade math classes, summer opportunities, and the opportunity to ask questions and speak directly with Kilmer’s math teachers. All families are encouraged to attend.
- February 5 - Marshall High School counselors will meet with 8th grade students planning to attend Marshall for 9th grade during Learning Seminar to discuss course options for the 2025-2026 school year. Seventh grade students will learn about course options for 8th grade during Learning Seminar.
- February 6 - Marshall High School’s Rising 9th Grade Orientation, 5:30-8:00 pm (Snow Date: February 11)
- Winter Testing
- iReady Testing January 15th during Learning Seminar Flipped Schedule (Snow Date: January 17th)
- MAP Testing January 22nd during Learning Seminar Flipped Schedule (Snow Date: January 24th). Students who don’t finish during Learning Seminar
- FCPS School Calendar 2024-25
Before winter break, 8th grade FACS students participated in a Cupcake Competition as their final project to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they gained throughout the unit! Kitchen groups collaborated with one another to choose a recipe that showcased their creativity and highlighted their leadership and decision-making skills. Staff within the building judged each group on the texture, flavor, decorations, and description of their cupcake. Congratulations to our winners!
3rd Period: What the Fudge?! - Congratulations to Cami, Cece, and Maya! The judges loved your artwork and classy/clean decorations!
4th Period: Buddy the Elf’s Candy Spaghetti - Congratulations to Liam, Helana, Kyle, Deji, and Kynnedi! Judges stated that your design was “iconic” and loved the maple flavor in your cupcake!
6th Period: Santa’s Hot Cocoa Cakes - Congratulations to Leah, Kellen, Logan, Judy, and Ana! The judges said that your cupcake was adorable and really like the addition of the peppermint!
7th Period: Strawberry Cream Bliss - Congratulations to Leya, KK, Katie, Jeremy, and Saif! The judges thought your cupcakes were beautiful and the strawberry flavor was a hit!
Important InformationFood Drive - Interdisciplinary Teams
For the month of February, we’ve partnered with the PTA to do a food drive for Kilmer’s Food Pantry. The Kilmer’s Food Pantry has run for years supporting our very own Kilmer families. Each month the Food Pantry invites families in to get food bags, clothing, supplies, etc. and we need our larger communities' help. From February 1-28 we’ll be hosting a friendly competition through our Interdisciplinary Teams. The Interdisciplinary Team that donates the most food will win a celebration sponsored by the PTA during Learning Seminar. Stay tuned for more information, but as a preview, please see which items Teams have been assigned.
7th Grade Teams
- Starbursts - Pasta
- Sirius - Mac & Cheese
- Supernovas - Canned Tuna/Chicken
- Comets - Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, or Canned Tomatoes
8th Grade Teams
- Pegasus - Canned Tuna/Chicken
- Constellations - Dried Rice
- Guardians - Dried Beans
- Voyagers - Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, or Canned Tomatoes
Course Registration for the 2025-2026 school year
At Kilmer Middle School, our goal is to provide a challenging academic program. We encourage students to select courses that reflect their abilities, strengths, and interests to create a balanced academic schedule. To help guide course selection decisions, teachers will provide feedback, and students will have multiple opportunities to explore course options. These opportunities include curriculum night events, content-specific presentations, and course videos showcasing next-grade-level options. All students will have one-on-one academic advising sessions with their school counselor throughout February and March to finalize their course selections for the 2025-2026 school year.
We will continue to share important event and activity dates related to course registration throughout January and February. Visit the Course Registration page on the Kilmer Website to learn more about the academic advising timeline.
2nd Quarter Grades
The 2nd quarter ends on Tuesday, January 28. Gradebook and Report Card Modules in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE will be unavailable from Tuesday, January 28th @ 4PM through Tuesday, February 4th @ 6AM. On February 4, 2nd quarter report cards will be visible in SIS. A printed version of 2nd quarter report cards will be sent home on Friday, February 14.
2nd Semester Schedules
Students and parents can view second semester class schedules in SIS StudentVue and ParentVUE on Wednesday, January 29, at 4:00 PM. In addition to receiving new second semester electives, a significant number of students will also have changes to their 8th and/or 9th period Learning Seminar classes. Students will remain with one of their current teachers.
Crosstown Hoops and Tryouts - Updated Dates for Boys
Kilmer’s Annual Crosstown Hoops Basketball Game against Thoreau MS will be held on Thursday, April 3 at Marshall High School. All students are welcome to try out. We play the following games: 7th grade girls, 7th grade boys, 8th grade girls, 8th grade boys.
All tryouts will be held during our After School Program:
- 7th Grade Boys - Wed/Thurs, January 22nd & 23rd, 2nd block
- *Boys must attend both dates for tryouts.
- 8th Grade Boys - Wed/Thurs, January 22nd & 23rd, 1st block
- *Boys must attend both dates for tryouts.
Health and Physical Education FLE Announcement - Date Change Due to Snow Days
Instruction of the Human Growth and Development unit (gender separate) will take place from January 30 through February 5th during HPE class. Instruction of the Emotional and Social Health unit will take place during regular health class during the 3rd quarter.
A parent preview night will be held both in person and virtually on January 21, 2025 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. The in person option will be held in the Kilmer Library. The virtual option can be accessed at the link below:
If you choose to opt your student out of any or all of these lessons, please print and fill out the opt out form for your student’s grade level and have your student return the form to Ms. Wood in student services. The opt out forms can be found at the following link:
To view the lessons in both FLE units please login to schoology and click on the All Parents/Guardians course. On that page there is a folder called Parent Preview - FLE Instruction with the FLE lessons.
If you have any questions, please contact your student’s HPE teacher.
SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey Coming Soon
All FCPS families and middle and high school students will be receiving an email invitation on Tuesday, January 21, to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available from January 21 to February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!
Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities
Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. We monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education. Visit Fairfax County’s website for Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips.
After School ProgramAfter School Activities News/Updates:
Each week Ms. Perry will post a detailed overview of our After School Program to our website. Please visit Kilmer’s website at to find the weekly After School newsletter. If you have any questions regarding our After School Program please reach out to Saundra Perry (Acting After School Specialist) at [email protected].
Kilmer PTAExecutive Board Contact Information
- Wendy Rosner - [email protected]
- Laura Roper - [email protected]
- Mandy Ryan - [email protected]
Attendance Reminder
Getting your student into the habit of daily attendance helps reduce their stress and makes it easier to connect with friends and teachers. We understand each year may present extenuating circumstances that lead to missed days. However, we hope to increase timely communication regarding absences as they occur to prevent patterns that could impact your student’s well-being.
Please read the tips below to support regular school attendance and foster a positive attitude regarding school and education:
- Scheduling: Schedule family vacations, trips, appointments, and other out-of-school activities during school holidays. See the FCPS calendar.
- Engagement: Help your student stay engaged by asking open-ended questions about what is going on in school. Encourage those conversations, daily!
- Monitor Attendance: Monitor your student's attendance in ParentVue. By the end of the school year, if a student misses just two days each month, they may be considered chronically absent.
- Social-Emotional Health: If your student expresses anxiety about school, contact your student’s counselor.
Missing even a few days can negatively impact a child's academic achievement and we want to partner with you to work toward your child's success. If you have additional questions, please contact your child’s school counselor, we would be happy to speak with you further about how we can support your child’s attendance for the rest of the school year.
Lightspeed Parent Report
8100 Wolftrap Road Vienna, VA 22182 | Phone: 703-846-8800